Reiki Rooster

8 Years
Jun 27, 2015
Demorest, Georgia
Honestly I have absolutely no idea what this is. I’ve had chickens now almost 10 yrs and have never seen this before. It is a huge mushy lump above her vent, about 1 to 1 1/2 inches above. If she was egg bound it has definitely broken but she is acting absolutely fine. Eating her fill, drinking normally, full of energy and strong too. Currently I have her soaking in warm epson bath, I gave her a dose of penicillin but idk what else to do for her. Please any thoughts or ideas, the closest vet is over 3 hours away and 2 days before they will open.


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I am looking after my neighbors chickens while they are away and one has a swollen lump under her vent. She has previously laid a latch egg and was on antibiotics. has not laid any eggs since. She seems depressed and constantly has diarrhoea but is still eating well. I gave her a warm bath and trim the feathers in the area. I cannot feel any eggs in and the mass feels squishy. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe she’s developing another latch egg or could be egg yolk peritonitis?
I am looking after my neighbors chickens while they are away and one has a swollen lump under her vent. She has previously laid a latch egg and was on antibiotics. has not laid any eggs since. She seems depressed and constantly has diarrhoea but is still eating well. I gave her a warm bath and trim the feathers in the area. I cannot feel any eggs in and the mass feels squishy. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe she’s developing another latch egg or could be egg yolk peritonitis?

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