Daily turkey poop amount and how loud are turkeys?


Jul 22, 2021
Los Angeles
I have never had a turkey as a pet before. I am tempted by the YouTube videos and Facebook postings of people having turkeys as lap pets. I am considering all the negative aspects of raising a turkey as a pet and I cannot find information about how much poop does one turkey (all breeds) produce in a day and how loud are male/female turkeys are when compared to chicken roosters? If a goose can poop an average of two pounds a day, how much poop does a turkey produce in a day? And do turkeys produce cecal poops like chickens?

I have a backyard by the way, and I currently breed cockatiels, budgies, red rump parakeets, and recently acquired young pheasants.
Turkeys poop a lot, and it reaks. Every time I raise babies in the house it becomes unbearable after a short amount of time. Their poop is also giant.

Turkeys can be lap pets, but they do need other turkeys to be happy. However, dont expect every turkey to be friendly even if you hand raise them. Sometimes they'll continue to be friendly, sometimes they want nothing to do with you. Broad Breasted are more prone to being friendly, but also have a much shorter life span and need diet and exercise to not develop leg problems early. However like I said, they really do need other turkeys.

Females are less loud then males, but still loud. A male gobble and a female yelp can be comparable to a rooster crow. They're loud. Males will gobble when you talk depending on tone of voice sometimes. Females like to yelp a lot when lonely or looking to nest.

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