Dark spot on duck egg! Pleas help!

May I ask what you moistened the membrane with?

Sorry, I've been busy through last night and today with these, lol...

Just water
Kinda off topic, but I have two broody's and my non-broody black runner snuck some eggs in my blue runners nest. I had originally snuck some of her eggs in the incubator but non of them were fertile. Midnight (black runner) layed 4 eggs in titanium's (blue runner) nest which is good since I want to keep her green eggs around. But she can't see well, when I used to put them up at night she would always miss the door and when I give them treats she will be in the back looking for where I threw them. I egg had a blood ring, one had a crack and got infected, one was infertile, and one is healthy and developing fine. My question is will this little green egg baby be born (almost) blind like its mom?

Depends on what caused her blindness... but as far as I know, I haven't heard of blindness being genetic... it's usually caused by injury, bacteria, incubation mishap, etc... I wouldn't worry on it... :)

Just water

Do you have any coconut oil, vaseline, or antibiotic ointment?

If you keep just moistening it with water, that evaporation of it will end up drying the membrane out worse...

My suggestion is to moisten it lightly with a bit of damp qtip, but don't soak it... if it glistens wet, let if absorb but not full dry... then take a small bit of vaseline and apply it to the membrane... since it's opened already, I would open the whole air cell so you can reach all the exposed membrane and find the bill so you don't get the vaseline into it's nares...

Fyi, for future reference a safe hole should be no bigger than a pen tip... that way it emulates an external pip and doesn't risk the membrane drying out... :)

Then it's most likely still absorbing yolk... ducklings will let you know when they're ready to come out... it will start struggling like crazy if it gets stuck at all... for this one, not much else can be done but to relax a bit and wait... if the membrane looks like it's drying out, you can reapply a little vaseline, but it probably won't be necessary... got my :fl for you and the little one...
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