Darn Meyer Hatchery...

That's why you keep the cute little buggers inside the house!!!
Get two silkie hens, they will only make noise when they are laying and you can always say it was you clearing your throat if anybody asks.
At least you'll have some fuzzy butts around.
i know exactly how you feel! i can only have so many (according to hubby).....but seriously, i shouldn't have any cuz i'm illegal. but everything's going so great with my 4 girls behind a 6ft privacy fence....i just gotta have MORE! hubby really thinks i have a problem. i suppose i do if you look at it by "city" standards. but i grew up in the country! you can't take the country outta me! u know? this is drivin' me nuts!!
I managed to NOT do a happy dance right next to the mailbox when I spied my Meyer catalogue today. (There were cars passing. Must maintain SOME dignity...) To avoid my children, I sat in my truck in the drive while I checked the whole book, cover to cover! Now that I live on a "farmette", I can have chickens. I'm waiting for the September boys to be big enough to process...

Then I can get more!

But don't tell my DH!

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