This was my first hatch as well, Not knowing what it was that I was doing, I thought my air sac's were to small as well, they looked to be between day 14 and day 18. Today is day 2 of lock down, their not suppose to start hatching till tomorrow, but I woke up to chirping this morning, have one fully hatched and another working it's way out of it's shell. As a newbie I say keep the faith.
Yay for you! That is amazing! Going on day 24 is absolutely agonizing I am so happy yours are already starting to hatch and chirpring! Wooohooooo :love:highfive:
:hugs:love Of course! You were so worried to start with, of course we will stay with you throughout the whole process! If I had BYC when I first had hatchlings, I would have been a lot less worried and more educated. We just want you to be able to get to the end and not give up hope.
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