Day 20 for Coturnix and still nothing.

My first attempt went 5 for 80.... second batch in the bator now... Good luck Kristi... (fingers crossed for you)
Thanks for all the encouragement! As I said on another thread I think this hatch was cursed from the beginning.
Shipper didnt pack very well and I had several broke and it went downhill from there. Just got my eggs from kwartel today. They were packed great and none were cracked or broke so maybe this one is gonna go a little better all the way around.
I need to work out the problems with thermometer/hygrometer while the eggs sit.
i wake up this morning and 22 eggs hatched ! my son gone nut ! i was really supprise because those eggs only in 16 days
20 days is too long, i don't think they're gonna hatch. just remeber next time try to monitor your temperture, make sure they're as close to 100 degree f as posible, pour some water under incubator tray and that's it ! remember if u used the auto turner ensure u place the eggs small end down, and dont' start turning your eggs until the 3rd days.
Now thats something I'v never heard before..."dont' start turning your eggs until the 3rd days." Please explain the reasoning behind that.
Hate to say it but LG is famous for deadly temperature spikes (according fo Murphy' Laws those spikes happen mostly at night).

Quail eggs are perhaps the easiest eggs to hatch, 0 hatch barring infertile or old eggs is definitly an incubation issue.
Something must've went very wrong along the way.
I saw someone on here posting that misinformation........before. You know the broody hen count down 3 days before they start turning the eggs.
Well Deerman, I was\\am trying to open minded - polite and hear the reasoning. I feel this is not a practice I will incorporate into my routine either. I did want to point out that this was not the norm as I know it, with out saying the post was BS ...
, But, as with you, all this does not come natural to me....
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Regarding the "don't turn until third day" issue:

There was a study done by a University that you can find on the net that stated that hatch rates were better when the eggs were NOT turned until the 3rd day in the incubator. The report claimed that the hatch rate was better in this study, using this technique. I will try to find a link to it. It is'nt a "folklore" thing. It was a published study...resulting in....well, I guess folklore

The only reason I found it is because on my first try, I had set the turning tray in the brinea incorrectly and the Cot eggs hadn't turned the first couple of days.. I panicked and searched the net and found the info. Again, I will look and post it as a new topic.
Thank you Tonya, I would like to read this if you happen to run across the site. I had never heard of this and its easy to "blow off" new or different. If we never try something new, improvement only happens by accident... Bill

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