De-humidifier Wonders


Apr 16, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Hi All - Was very happy this morning -- after the all day rain storm we had yesterday, and all 9 chickens, soaked to the bone headed into the coop for the night, I grabbed my dehumidifier and ran a cord to the coop. After running for one hour I checked and had happy (almost dry) chickens and a coop 10 degrees higher than the external temp. Win-Win
Not sure there were any down sides to this plan, but not sure I should run it again tonight -- anyone else try this? I know there is a smoke/fire risk, but we had to run this particular de-humidifer for three days straight when we flooded the porch and it was wonderful....any other down-sides
Wow, I never would've thought about a dehumidifier! We don't have power near our coop yet, but when we do, it's definitely something to consider during the rainy season. We had the same storm as you, no doubt, but my girls refused to go out in the rain. I felt bad since it rained literally all day and I KNOW they didn't get any outside time, but their coop is a good size. Hopefully they weren't too antsy in there.
Asked this in another thread.....
Have you no ventilation?
Not that FL is 'cold climate'.
Where in FL are you, I know it can get pretty darn chilly in parts, we had snow the year I lived in Gainseville.

With adequate ventilation you are trying to dehumidify the 'whole world'.
Dehumidifiers to generate some heat but....
....did you check the humidity levels inside and outside the coop?

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