Dear BYC Members from DH...

I use to say I was a Computer Widow
(like the foot ball widow) I am sure glad I never had to deal with any of the ball games or Nascar... Now I guess the table is almost even..
At my house.....

"Dear members of BYC,

I want my wife back!!

The carpet needs vacuuming, supper is not fixed yet, those chickens are out back sqwauking like crazy and where the heck is a pair of clean socks!!! :eek:

Since finding the BYC website, she has been on the computer every waking moment reading everything she can about raising least I think that's what she's reading......I do have my doubts when she starts talking about swapping squares and hooking though!!!

You know she talks too much go on and send her back!

Deserted Husband
Thanks for the offer Blisschick -

I might have to take you up on that offer with DH in tow... He'll want to check out the chickens, coop and run.

Nice to see some folks from our neck of the woods on this site!
Dear Deserted Husband -

Don't get me going on her crafts... If there were enough hours in the day and she had another pair of hands, she would be knitting booties for the chickens!

At least I still have NASCAR!

Darling Husband
this is great I can wait to show this thread to my husband.. he will know he is not alone.. I will have to encourage him to start a support group ..
Dear D(eserted) Husbands & BFs;

Laundry isn't exclusively my job. You have hands and can make dinner, do laundry, fold towels, empty the dishwasher, and change the bed without my input and micro-managing guidance. I'm not the only one around here who has opposable thumbs; please use yours to feed the cats and yourself for a few days.

I haven't hidden the vacuum, broom, or mop. All are in plain sight and need minimal skills to operate. All the various soaps needed to wash dishes, laundry, and floors are close to their respective areas. Look below the sink and above the washing machine.

If you need me, I'll be in chat on BYC. Let me know when the house is clean.


My husband says I have gone from the "horse porn" to the "chicken porn"
Meaning this is now my "home" board and I am always pouring over everything chicken. Chickens are cheaper than horses. And I can only have the one horse. Plus.
There are horse people here too!! Best of both worlds!!

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