define illness and cure

Beaky Buzzard

9 Years
Jan 30, 2010
playing piano and singing
We recently acquired 8 full grown bantams. As a precaution they were quarantined. We have noticed eye problems with eyes staying closed some crusty secretions and affected birds s (2) seem to have a wheeze and act tired. We have started a regiment of antibiotic (Duramycin-10) amd applied neosporin to and around eyes. A:(ny Ideas what this is and what to expect would help, also is it contagious to ohter birds, pets and or people?
Chickens don't get colds and then get cured of them in the way people do. There are any number of diseases it could be; these are chicken diseases only; I don't think any of them can be passed to other species except other birds. (Avian flu is an exception but you would know it if it were around you area.) Many can never be cured and the birds will remain carriers for life if they survive, and some pass to the chicks in the egg. Lab tests are really the only definitive diagnosis though symptoms vary some. I'll give you a couple of links.
After reading the comments and hearing advice from an old chicken man who's forgotten more than most about birds I chose to kill the sick birds in order to keep the rest of our flock healthy. While I hated to do so it was the right thing. In a day when many value the life of their pets more than their neighbors I was reminded of the time tested values I learned as a kid on the farm in central western Ohio. Animals are not people and vice versa, we can dress them in clothes and give them pretty names and talk to them like a new born child but truth be known chickens are chickens. Left alone in the right situation they would not think twice about picking the flesh from our bones. None of the culled birds suffered and my resposibility to my family, neighbors, and fellow chicken farmers was fullfilled. Times and people may change and though not always popular the best thing to do is what is right!
Well done, it's a serious responsibility. Read my sig line, you'll find I agree with you.

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