Deformed Baby Chick!

I agree, too, but im the kind of person that feels bad every time she takes a step.
I was thinking along the lines of what leadwolf1 said
Maybe like bracing teeth, one small step at a time?

I was thinking of making the boot to get her foot straighteded, and then using medical tape to slowly pull the foot into place by putting tape on the bottom of the boot and attaching it to her leg. Every week or every other week I can shorten the tape so it is pulling her foot. Like tightening braces! Does that sound like it might work, if you can picture what Im trying to describe.....?
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Can the foot be straightened manually? If so, why not try making a splint out of popsicle sticks and use some vet wrap to attach it. Maybe with time and growth, the leg would improve. In the meanwhile, I've seen several one legged birds that seem quite happy with life and make out pretty well. Good luck!!!
I can picture it....that's pretty much what I was thinking..can't hurt and who knows, it just might work
Good luck and keep us updated!
Well, I tried to put a boot on her foot just to get her used to it, but the medical tape came off. People keep talking about getting vet tape? What is it and where could i get it?
You should be able to pick that up at tractor supply. I think they are referring to Vet Wrap, it is an ace bandage type material that sticks to itself. They have all kinds of colors
How about wrapping the tape/string around her body? I mean, if she were to wear a saddle or something, is there not a way to tie it to that? Tape comes unstuck and you don't want to have it stuck to her for weeks on end or risk pulling feathers out.
I wasn't planning on leaving the tape there for weeks. I was going to remove the boot every few days since shes growing so fast and then put a fresh one on and tighten the thing so it pulls her foot a little more than it did the last time. I don't know about a saddle because if I tie the string there is a possibility that if she tries to move her foot, the string could dig into her back or stomach, depending on how I tie it. Its a good idea
but I'm not sure how to go about trying that without hurting her.

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