Depression Era recipes..(and others like it)

I am hoping to be at chickenstock.....and hey I will bring u some fried green maters and okra........too yummy to pass up! (or at least try again wink )

zoomummzy.............I am originally from Corvallis......good to see a fellow Oregonian..........and someone so close to home. My folks are still there....they live in Lewisburg.

LOL! I was kidding
I would just about die if you brought me some! That would be toooo funny! .....but not unexpected. That's just how us Okies are!
They are awesome!! I haven't had them in sooooo long!! My Yankee husband won't eat the stuff I grew up eating
We eat them with ketchup. My dad eats them with either ketchup or tarter sauce. He's from PA....he embraced it....why can't my husband??? LOL

Lol my husband is a city boy from Cali so he thinks everything I grew up eating is horrid. Some of my best memories were going to the ditches outside of town and picking dandelion greens and young asparagus for dinner. He said why didn't we just cut the grass and eat that for supper! I tell him the same thing my Nana always said "you just don't know what you are missing!"
We often had nights where all we ate for supper was pop corn & fudge.......

30second fudge

1 jar peanut butter
1 jar vanilla icing

Put both in microwave for 30seconds to soften then mix together and spread into 8x8 pan.
Easy and sooo yummy!

HAHA There's PLENTY of corn in Nebraska!!!

That sounds sooo good!!​
Lol my husband is a city boy from Cali so he thinks everything I grew up eating is horrid. Some of my best memories were going to the ditches outside of town and picking dandelion greens and young asparagus for dinner. He said why didn't we just cut the grass and eat that for supper! I tell him the same thing my Nana always said "you just don't know what you are missing!"

Oh How funny!!! I remember my grandparents telling me that you can eat dandelions when I was a little, little girl! It took FOREVER for me to believe them. I thought they were pulling my leg ^_^ I think I finally believed them when I saw my grandpa eating them one time with vinegar. The smell of Vinegar makes me ill (along with bleach yay. lol) so I never tried it.

Back in 99 we lived in California for a while while my husband was stationed out at DLI in Monterey. My grandma had just died weeks before, and she meant the world to me. We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and ate at the resturant they have there. I got a salad. Of course the salads in Calif are NOTHING like the ones they have here LOL! But low and behold among the foreign greens in my salad were dandelion leaves.
When I was 21 I was an exchange student living in France. I had very little money and so went through a stage where I've go pick young dandelion greens for salads. It was very good! I haven't done it since. My French mom would make a "potage" (pureed soup) from fresh greens in her pressure cooker. Topped with a bit of creme fraiche (liek sour cream just not sour), it's delicious!

I keep forgetting that I should do this each spring.
hi guys...heres one for your dandelion greens!!....

1 qt. dandelion blossoms
1 gal water
1 lemon, sliced
2 1/2 lbs. sugar
2 T. good yeast

Put all in a kettle, except yeast, and boil 5 minutes. Pour into a jar. When cold, add yeast. Keep in a warm place for 3 days until it ferments, then strain and bottle- cork tightly. enjoy!...
When I was 21 I was an exchange student living in France. I had very little money and so went through a stage where I've go pick young dandelion greens for salads. It was very good! I haven't done it since. My French mom would make a "potage" (pureed soup) from fresh greens in her pressure cooker. Topped with a bit of creme fraiche (liek sour cream just not sour), it's delicious!

I keep forgetting that I should do this each spring.

That sounds delicious! My Nana would always wilt them and make a sugar and vinegar dressing for them. We at them as our veggie that night. I have tried to make them since, but they just don't taste the same. I tell my family it's because they were grown on a farm and not picked out of a dirty ditch! You should see their faces
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Oh How funny!!! I remember my grandparents telling me that you can eat dandelions when I was a little, little girl! It took FOREVER for me to believe them. I thought they were pulling my leg ^_^ I think I finally believed them when I saw my grandpa eating them one time with vinegar. The smell of Vinegar makes me ill (along with bleach yay. lol) so I never tried it.

Back in 99 we lived in California for a while while my husband was stationed out at DLI in Monterey. My grandma had just died weeks before, and she meant the world to me. We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and ate at the resturant they have there. I got a salad. Of course the salads in Calif are NOTHING like the ones they have here LOL! But low and behold among the foreign greens in my salad were dandelion leaves.

My father-in-law/step-father (lol very long story) grew up in Monterey. I miss the salads in Cali....

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