Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I am saying my chicken prayers and shipping TONS of healing vibes your way Nambroth......I hope Artsy is right....

x2 - You know that all of us Derp fans will be thinking of you and Baron Rufflerump
Today was warm enough to get a short video of Derp as she snuggled against my legs!


Awww how sweet! Little Derpy doo really wants to cheww on that button I think. I love the Purring noise. Your right it did sound like the hawk warning,at first i thought it was because you could hear a bird calling right before she did that, but I have seen one of my hens make that noise when they were inside on my lap and there was no bird...chickens can be so goofy and yet so much fun at the same time. I very much regret not having chickens sooner in my life. What time I have wasted
Anywho, nice to see Derp again and in such great health. I wish we were having good weather too, can't complain too much, we have had sun for two days, just bittterly cold too.But no rain is unusual for Washington so I guess I will count my blessings.
Well, I have had to make a vet appointment for Baron Rufflerump. As of yesterday, he's developed a bad limp, and does not want to put weight down on his right leg. Hopefully on Monday our vet will be able to help us determine if he has an injury, or.. well, if we should suspect Marek's. I have him on Metacam right now as it is a pain killer and anti-inflammatory.
Oh No! Sorry I am still catching up on posts...I'm scared to read on . I hope and pray that you don't have to go through Mareks again with yet another of your babies....
Cochin get pulled muscles due to their size- so it could be something as simple as that, in my prayers!

I hope that's all it is. He can't use the leg at all, though he can still move it. But, he's not very heavy yet... not even at the weight of most of my adult hens. But.. he is clumsy. I'm just nervous.
Still the same... Very limpy but otherwise normal and healthy, with the appetite of a teenage boy! Our appointment appointment is at 3 so we probably won't be home until this evening.
A healthy appetite is always a good thing! Keeping my fingers crossed.
If your perch is too high he could be damaging his growing bones etc as he jumps down, trousers may have got away with it as he was full grown, I had an large ex bat who got bumble foot from jumping down from a fence onto concrete too many times so she would hop about. Large breeds are prone to problems with there legs if its too high, if they can walk under the perch without ducking put some steps up as at that height it is to high to be comfortable to jump of without flapping yet to low for flapping to work.

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