Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

That's our girl
Now maybe you can start a "go fund me," account
YES I'm so happy she is doing ok. i hope the medicene works fast for her. Derp a housechicken that is going to be fun. Thanks so much for the update I have been so worried about her. Give her a hug and kiss from. me.
I wasn't ready for a house chicken! I really need to get a diaper for Derp (Derper.. Diaper...). Does anyone have any good recommendations?

I also have to pause frequently to make sure Derp is pointed in the right direction. She prefers to walk backward right now, which gets her stuck in weird places. I also can't leave a water bowl out for her, as she spills it instantly, so I have to offer her drinks several times an hour. Yikes! I have three deadlines this month and I am scared I won't make them in time....

Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with Derp other than this, she is not weak at all. Derperella is the smallest, and STRONGEST chicken I've ever had to deal with. There was no "taking of medicine" this morning. It was a battle of wills. Sticky and terrible. I am not newbie to medicating birds. Parrots, chickens, even doves. I have medicated and tubed them all over the many years. Derperella was easily the strongest try of patience ever.
That's our girl
Now maybe you can start a "go fund me," account

Yikes, there are times I am seriously considering it. This trip with Derp was over $300, and I am still stinging from trying to save our parrot Gorbash this past fall. Still, I knew what I was getting into with these birds, and I am responsible for them.
Yikes, there are times I am seriously considering it. This trip with Derp was over $300, and I am still stinging from trying to save our parrot Gorbash this past fall. Still, I knew what I was getting into with these birds, and I am responsible for them.

Yes, we accept responsibility for our birds, but that doesn't mean that other people who like them can't help out with their care. You entertain us so much with your stories of Derp and co, and you help so many people on BYC with your advice and information (not just the Great Big Giant Marek's FAQ , but that's one great example) - I am sure that many Derp fans would want to help with her care.

I have to say that I love my ATC's from when you were raising funds for Bubble's treatment - any chance of some more? I would certainly sign up again! (Although I appreciate that you may not have too much time at the moment to accept individual commissions, with all your Duck Stamp commitments).

For any who don't already know and appreciate Nambroth's work, here is an example which I am extremely proud to hang on my wall:


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