Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Yes... this was always a fear for me with Derp. She had so much trouble surviving as a chick, I knew in my heart from that very first day that something could go wrong and I could lose her at any time. I'm so thankful that she seems healthy currently, but I know that some hidden problem could always rear up even now. It's why I was actually quite surprised when she started laying for us. Every day with this goofy little chicken is a blessing.


are you still planningon geting her tested to see what it is that she could possibly have or are you going to just let derp be derp and not think about it?

i dont know what the test are but you mentioned them a little while a go i think

hope derp is ok today
I'd like to get a blood panel run on her... this won't tell much, only if she is running with any deficiencies and such. If she has genetic problems, I will never know for sure. I've been saving up for it. It costs $230 plus an exam fee, so close to $300.
wow thats a lot of money , i think i understand what you mean now i did not realise that the genetic defaults are not with the blood tests ( im still learning and not had todothis yet )

thank you for the knowledge .
I just think Derp needs glasses. Have you thought about taking her to a good opthomologist? Probably wouldn't be any more than the blood tests. But then we couldn't enjoy her derpiness, so on second thought, don't do that!
We love her just the way she is!
*waves madly* Hi Nam!! I have spent a whole lot of time reading the whole of this thread and loving every minute of it. I stumbled on it googling Salmon Faverolle feet, cos I suspect our little one has derpy toes.

Despite having kept up to date with your blog posts on your chickens, it was truely wonderful to sit and read Derp's story again. Plus some added extras! I didn't know she'd laid her first egg! And the fact that she laid it ON Kua... LMAO!!

And I am lusting after your calendar, but might have to wait until after xmas to buy one. <3 <3 <3

Also haunting my letterbox waiting for my gorgeous Coho painting to arrive. *bounces* When I saw it posted here I literally squeeeed at how lucky I am!

*twirls you*

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