DH's gout??

who's the pot licker now???

better not have been a teflon pot.
Well he doesn't drink beer (or any alcohol), eat lentils or organ meat. Ask him to give up beef and bacon and you'd be in for a huge fight. He thinks bacon is a food group.
And Tipsy? I am making a cobbler tomorrow. It's time for a break from our diet!
I'm also going to be baking a new york style cheesecake from my Dad's 70 year old new york bakery recipe over the weekend. I have a good excuse. It's what DSD asked for as her birthday cake.

Maple, I'm making it in my springform pan, that's not teflon. Think I should go buy one in teflon?
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"uric acid levels are high in those patients with syndrome X, otherwise known as insulin resistance. This means that excessive carbohydrate consumption, particularly of refined flour and sugar, foods that in previous times were solely the domain of the wealthy, can also raise the uric acid levels and precipitate gout. This fact also explains the frequent finding of obesity in those suffering from gout."

"The scientific research clearly shows that fructose has a direct metabolization path to uric acid. There have been several studies that have looking at soft drink consumption, both in it relationship to it ability to create uric acid in the body and directly as a cause of gout. These studies have shown a strong links between consumption of fructose and higher levels of uric acid and more frequent gout."

Lots of carbs and fruit are one way to make gout worse.

Spot on, my sister suffers from gout
she's very skinny, but its all the acidic foods, she cuts them out for a while, then its back again if she has a soda or anything like that.

The only alcohol she can drink is whiskey
My Dad gave it to me. He thinks I should make his secret recipe cheesecake every weekend. When I told him I couldn't, using the excuse that I didn't have a springform pan, he went out and bought me one.

He also doesn't understand why I can't make one without the top cracking during the baking. I just tell him that's what fruit toppings are for.
My Dad gave it to me. He thinks I should make his secret recipe cheesecake every weekend. When I told him I couldn't, using the excuse that I didn't have a springform pan, he went out and bought me one.

He also doesn't understand why I can't make one without the top cracking during the baking. I just tell him that's what fruit toppings are for.

Want a no-crack top? Wrap your spring form pan in foil on the outside, then fill with batter. Place the entire pan onto a cookie sheet or other baking pan and add about an inch of water. The foil on your springform will keep water out of the batter and the water on the outside will keep the top from cracking. Honest!

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