Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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My Grandmother was just here for a visit today, and I threatened my kids NOT to mention the birds in the basement, or the incubator in the bedroom. I figured the brooder in the 2nd living room, and 5 roosters crowing at them when they got here was enough. But I forgot to tell my kids NOT to bring any out while they were here either, so what happens you might ask??? Chicken flies right onto the dinner table during dinner. I said "Grandmom, if the family is really talking about me becoming a crazy chicken lady, there's a story for ya"!
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my older kids come and say it stinks in the lower level, its the FF, I told them if they dont like it use the front door!!!
will neosporin be ok help keep the membrane from drying out??
as long as it has NO PAIN relief it it! , and go easy on it, just enough to clear coat, keep away from nostriles

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