
You're gonna love it! I ordered my hatcher on Monday night, and it arrived yesterday. Getting my temps adjusted right now. The bator is unbelievable! And the customer service is second to none. Congrats, you'll be a hatchin' fool!

He's the owner of Dickey Incubators in Georgia. He is a really nice man who makes a great incubator. I was going to buy a Sportsman, had never heard of a Dickey incubator. Julie (BamaChicken) told me about him and his incubator. His is comparable in price, maybe even a little less, and the quality is unbelievable. I had never seen a Sportsman when I ordered my Dickey. I saw one recently at a feed store, and there is no comparison whatsoever. The Dickey, in my opinion, is a much better built product. If you're considering a cabinet incubator at all, you really should check his out. His customer service is also better, when you have a question, you speak to Mr. Dickey himself

Well, if I ever move to a farm, perhaps I'll get a Dicky... they sound wonderful.

For now, I'll be grateful for the 1588 with the turner and use it once or twice a year.
I live in north Ga, and mine came in two days. It was my first cabinet incubator, so i didnt know how to set it up, but he talked me through every step. I called him like 8 times that day! And he was great, never letting on that he thought i was a total idiot for all the stupid questions I asked! i am really happy I bought it. I have a batch in the first tray at the moment and am going to add to the second tray in a few days. all the eggs are developing well! Money well spent!
I hope it will be here Thursday! That would be great. I should have a bunch of eggs coming around the same time
I won silkies from 1234muki I
she send plenty of extras and I have swap eggs too. So what should I do with my styro incubators? they still run great and still get awesome hatches.

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