Did a naked dance for my neighbors yesterday.

oooh, those all sound so painful, and also creepy! I haven't had anything like that, but before I was born, fire ants got inside one time. My mom discovered this by picking up her towel after a shower and wrapping it around her without first noticing that it was full of the little buggers. So she did an indoor naked dance, jumped back in the shower, and no one in our house uses a towel without checking it first to this day!
I was just telling my dad your story and he told me when I was very little, the family when camping and the people with the tent next to us were making lots of noise and thrashing around inside their tent. My dad thought they were having really passionate uh um lovemaking
Anyway it turns out that they had pitched their tent over a bed of fire ants
Okay, so now I want to know all states where fire ants live so I don't move there, for the sake of all who do!

(The spider in underwear experience would be over the top!Would rather come face to face with a bear [except grizzly] or rattler!)
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but fire ants are spreading pretty steadily northward, so it may be hard to find a state without them before too long!

They are not native to the US, but were introduced from South America and have multiplied out of control.

I guess the northward march will end if they find a place that is too cold for them in the winter, but who knows.

Nasty little boogers, that's for sure! They will even kill much larger animals if given the chance. I have heard of people losing puppies, kittens, etc... A bunch once attacked my mom's pomeranian so badly that he lost all of his hair for a while and a lot of the skin on his back sloughed off.
There are always going to be some disgusting little creatures anywhere, that is why I refuse to go barefoot. Even when I am at home. I clean obsessivly and there are still earwigs in my apartment! I mean I vacuum EVERY day and they are still there
Once I found these baby centipedes on my balcony. They must have been nesting in the walls or something.
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