Did you know....

they r called hip huggers lol. i dont own any but i know what ur talking about. the belly button issue is more of the shirt being too short than the pants though.
What are you all talking about?!? Its so fashionable! Come on, dont you wish that you could shelter your whole family with the fabric from your pants??
Seriously though it is gross. When ever my mom sees one of my cousins with their pants down their butts she will pants them and ask if there is any room for her in there.
Actually that sounds pretty inappropriate when I write it down but they always pull their pants up! lol
lol! this thread is sooooo freaking funny. so to distract myself i must go practice my choir music lol
In a housefull of teenage boys I got sick to death of constantly saying "pull them up I don't need to see that" and "stop mooning me I'm your mother" or "stop mooning me I'm your friends' mother". Finally I got pro-active and started dropping Ice cubes into the bands of any exposed underwear.

Success was mine, my home has been moon free for about a month now.

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