Difference between Rouen and Mallard.


This one is the same possible 6 month old rouen hen then a call duck drake, then rouen drake full grown and either a magpie or ancona hen full grown.
Rouens have two black stripes on their face, one across their eye and one just under their eye. Mallards only have one eye stripe, across their eye. You can tell by the stipes from day olds. From what it looks like, yours only have one stripe, which means mallard.

Anyone know if this is true? Cause I checked and the set my DH just brought home have 2-- and I would prefer Rouen....
I just came across this thread and thought I could get a few questions answered about my girl. I think she is a Rouen, though is a small one, but some input would be great.

I bought her as an adult, and the person who sold her to me said she was over a year old, laying, and she is a Rouen. I haven't gotten a single egg from her, and I've had her for a couple of months now. Shouldn't I have gotten an egg from her by now? Also, how many eggs do Mallards typically lay vs a Rouen. Also what is the laying difference between a show Rouen and a production Rouen?




I have four ducks: a Jumbo Pekin (drake), a Crested Pekin, a Pekin mix, and this brown girl.
Thank you.
Hi all! I believe it is harder to tell as adults. Because the quality of breed varies. Like a few said..show quality will be bigger then your average rouen. I made my executive decision based of the eye stripes as a baby. Mine had two...making it a rouen. I see some of you said your rouens hardly get off the ground... if mine really tries he can get a foot off the ground and fly for a few feet, same with my pekin. Here is a baby pic and current pic. @ridgefire[IMG i think you have mallards.

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I am pretty sure my little Dory is a Mallard... She was chased by a dog and that girl flew! I mean, 10-12 feet, she cleared my shed roof, and she was gone with no feather in flight. She came back this morning, so it all turned out well, but GEEZE! I was reminded why I didn't want Mallards. LOL I thought I was buying a Rouen, but she's a good girl, and I'm not afraid of her flying off. Her flying may have saved her life.
I have 7 ducks that I was told were

3 are male and only two have the
white band on the neck...but only
part way around.... doesn't go
behind the head...

is that another characteristic of
a Rouen?

my boys look much like the images

OK..My lil duckling had 2 eye stripes when I got it at 2 days old but it's about 2 weeks now and only has one stripe..Other has faded to just a dot...What do y'all think? Rouen or Mallard?

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