dilemma on selling laying hens

lol the biggest roo of the trio I had from chicks I dressed up and bbq'ed wth lemon pepper maranade for my birthday the other day it was dELISH! but these other two are here for breeders
I get ya i get ya!!!

as for the original topic i've refused sales a few times, esp where my quails are concerned. I no longer offer htem for hunting use for various reasons (I hunt mind you) they just get a "i dont sell them for that sorry".
Well I will tell you, I have gotten birds from Katy. The first time (I think) I got 3 silkies. One white and 2 blue. In 3 days I was down to 1 silkie, the white one. It was horrible to tell her about that, and then just the other day my stupid puppy (I think) killed 2 chicks over about 4 days. Again the source was Katy's eggs. Every time something like this happens I feel like I have let her down. Now don't get me wrong, I have others from her that I have had for over a year, and it isn't like I am leaving the gate open and inviting the whatever in to steal the silkies...(Let's forget about the puppy for now....He does it again, and his days are numbered at this location!) But sometimes things happen.

I would like to think that Katy knows how horrible I feel about these things happening.

From what you have said, the guy just doesn't see the chickens the way that you see them. The way that you described what he says, leads me to believe that his voice is telling you that they don't matter, or have no value. That he doesn't care that these things are happening, because he can always buy another one.

I would not sell to him, because of his attitude.

Sorry for the rant....
I believe that you should follow your conscience. If you are uncomfortable continuing to sell your birds to him, then maybe you should send him an email, explaining that you feel badly saying this, but you aren't comfortable selling the chickens to him.

However, if you want to sell to him because of the income, I don't think you should be criticized either. You are correct, you don't know how others keep the chickens and things do happen. You are only hearing the bottom line of what happened, not the story behind it. (I am NOT defending the man, just trying to look at the situation without prejudice).

So....follow your conscience!!!!

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