Dirty Water, might make the chicks sick

The water for my chicks gets so dirty I need help on how to stop it from being so dirty so they don't get sick.
What is your waterer sitting on?
Picture of the set up?

Raising it up off of the ground or shavings or whatever it's on could help.
Use a nipple waterer….water is always clean!
You can make them from a bucket, or use smaller containers for a brooder
Can't tell how elevated it is from the photo (since we're looking top down) but brick height is usually about right for chicks.

Your feeder is awfully close to the water, which is probably also contributing to the soiling issue. Move them further apart. It also looks like this is all in a plastic tub? Space issues can also be a huge contributor to them making a mess since they can't move around.

When are you planning on moving the chicks out? How old are they and what temps are you looking at? I bet they can go out sooner than you think.
I wish I could move them out sooner but the coop is being built and has no fence. Ps it's some kind of brooder someone gave me.
Ahh ok from your earlier post I thought the coop was done. You don't need the run finished by the way, they can be moved out with coop only.

Can you get a further back photo of the brooder? You might want to consider getting some very large cardboard boxes like melon or appliance boxes and using that in the meanwhile. Not sure how old your birds are or how many you have, but by around 4 weeks you want at least 1 sq ft of open floor space per chick (I find that to be insufficient myself, as chicks like to run around and slam into things).
I wish I could move them out sooner but the coop is being built and has no fence. Ps it's some kind of brooder someone gave me.
Watermelon box from the grocery store is free. I use XXL dog crates from Rural King (two zip tied together lengthwise for large batches of chicks). Old Pack-n-Play (playpen) will also work, as well as a really large appliance box set on a tarp in the garage.

At 4 wks old I introduce a gallon jug (like a plastic pretzel container with a wide mouth lid) with horizontal nipples. They're old enough and smart enough then to figure it out. No more spills or drips and no more dirty water. I LIVE for that day!!!

You can put up a temporary fence with chicken wire. As long as you're out there with them, predator risk is minimal. Just until you get the actual fence built. If you train them to come when you call them for food, you'll be able to get them into the coop as needed.

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