Dixie Chicks

Looking good! I'm a fan of louvered doors but hate cleaning them.

I'm impressed that you will be producing your own wainscoting! Start to finish pictures of the lumber will be needed!
it's not exactly wainscoting in the tradional sense.. it will be framed with a shaker type style but leaving the inside panels with the darker purple paint
@CanuckBock great post as usual, have you wrote a book yet?
I've been debating not doing my plan on silkie giant cross. I probably will hatch out some for he he's, but I don't think I'll do the back cross or continue it. I recently saw some awesome fibro naked necks, and they wern't no 'show girls'. Large breed black meat birds. I think I'll go that route. I have a sorce near me for cemani culls cheap. The cemanis have more genes for fibro than silkies I heard. I'm going to try a naked neck cemani cross. I know nothing of the genetics, figure I'll just stumble through it and breed for NN, fibro, and size. If it doesn't work out I'll have some ugly chickens to eat :)

'Kay...let's jump in on naked neck genetics for some funning.

First things first. Any breed may have naked neck added to them. Sorta like Frizzle, it is not a BREED but a condition that may be introduced into a breed. Any breed may be Frizzle (Plymouth Rock frizzles, Brahma frizzles,...etc.) and any breed may be a naked neck too!

The original "naked necked" chooks were the Transylvanian Naked Necks and the Turken. As seen below on wiki (info taken from there with a grain of salt, eh!)...turkey and chicken cross supposedly. Now this has me going hmm...because I do have a turkey hen with a bowtie (could well be just a skin tag that has feathers growing upon it) but since turkeys are NAKED NECKED it does have me pondering about the logistics of may be there being a heterozygous condition in this turkey hen for bare neck and why she has a bow tie....read on for where this conclusion came from besides breathing in too much thin air or the fact that I am at an OLD age and getting quite silly as the years pass along.


Here is an example of the bowtie I mentioned in one of my turkey hens. Relevance in that the turk has a naked neck also!

This is NOT a turkey hen with a beard...this is something else. Others coined it a bowtie as I was quite a drift as to what to name this anomaly.


This is a turkey hen with a beard...

Black Bart

This is a turkey tom with a beard...more the norm!

OK...OK...back to the chooks...no more turkeying around eh...

Na makes the chicken more sensitive to a protein (BMP12) than non-mutated birds. This protein sensitivity results in the most noticeable feature of the neck lacking feathers. A double dose of the allele Na (Na/Na) reduces the normal feathering of a chicken to 30% less feathering over the entire body. A heterozygous Naked Neck (impure so Na/na+) has 20% less feathering than a normally feathered chook (na+/na+--remember the plus sign "+" means wild type so NO mutation from the Red Junglefowl genetic makeup). The naked neck has less feathers on either side of the chest bone (keel or beast bone--sternum) and the flanks. Kinda a neato thing because anyone that has processed and defeathered poultry realizes you hafta be careful not to tear the chest skin when defeathering...part of that chore is already done did for you with the naked neck genetics helping out! Yee haw...they almost jump in the oven roasting READY...sorta...

Now brace yerself for the uglies...the cons to naked necks is that in the later end of development for the embryos, some of the eggs will not hatch (ten percent less hatchlings in the impure form of naked necks and higher in the pure chicks)...kinda like they lack the same amount of down a regular chick would, so hatching out is made more difficult (can't spin so good inside the egg shell prison to chisel their way out). Another aspect is maybe the chick injures itself inside the egg because without the protective down feathers (no feather follicles in the bold places), they can literally kick themselves in the neck & head. Some of the naked necks are hatched with damaged brain deformity making them less intelligent (yeh, chickens have smarts...smarts for being a chicken which is jest grand!). You go about kicking yerself in the head a few times and see if you are any worse for wear! LMBO

So when planning the hatch...good suggestion to set at least ten percent MORE eggs than you want hatched live because you may expect a 90% hatch rate right off the start. Better wanted ratio than the Andalusian people...that get a 50 percent blue hatch from blue x blue matings!

I just don't want you puzzling over how a cermani x naked neck hatch is lowered and beating yourself up over it like you are to blame. It's the not knowing this part that sucks...ignorance is not often bliss.

Now I won't fill yer head with the black chicken skin genetics because there is nothing wrong with breeding what you like to what you like to make more of what you like. Basically I am warning that encyclopedias could be filled with all the genetic mumbo jumbo on these dark skin genetics (leg colour, skin colour)...some are gender linked (this will clue you in sometimes to what are the girls, what are the boys), some are known, many are debated and fought over...basically the best thing to advise you is do the crosses, keep back the darker ones and make more of the same and keep going for the darkest as often it is a matter of plus or minus modifiers and dark chickens bred to dark chickens is a fast way to get more of the same. Same thing with big...when all else is equal and you want bigger birds for meat, choose big birds. Not rocket science now is it?

Breed thru when you get a line of similar predictable genetics...do not resort to outcrosses all the time as with each new set of genetics, you water down any selections and conforming to what you wanted. Each new blood addition can send a set of a decades worth of work packing--every good bird has something bad in their mix too. Oft times you can breed thru a bottleneck of inbreeding depression to come out the other side with an even better strain of birds but since you are looking at bigger birds for meat purposes, what the factory farms are constantly doing by adding hybrid vigour to get bigger in sizes can be mimicked too. Depends on how dedicated you are to this and staying true to form and function. Recall there is the opposite to inbreeding depression, outcrossing depression is something not wanted either.

In biology, outbreeding depression occurs when offspring from crosses between individuals from different populations have lower fitness than progeny from crosses between individuals from the same population. The concept is opposed to inbreeding depression.

Things like three way crosses where you keep the purebred lines going yourself still gives you the independence to be self-sufficient and not overly expose your flocks to new introductions that could bring in new diseases and new not so nice often hidden genetics to set you back in your project. Do as you see fit but go with what comes easiest and thrives for you...why fight success?

Follow the same principles good breeders do; breed hens to cocks (by them living to at least 2 years of age before making more, they are thriving at your place and a good bet your offspring will continue to prosper too), you want vigour, disease resistance, production (meat and eggs for making more meat), fertility, and compatibility of temperament to how you keep your birds--one may want to focus on easy temperaments so you CAN raise a pen of 30 cockerels for processing without them constantly sparing and losing condition which = meat! Inspect your birds by examining them in hand for the qualities you want and the very bestest part...unlike say in dog breeding, you may happily and glady EAT your MISTAKES...coated and fried and delicious!

Have fun and I wish you all the best in your chickening endeavours...course you do know we will be wanting to see what the beginnings are like (hint, hint...we want back pay in pictures, eh), the parents and then the offspring--in uncoated and coated condition on the plate.

So first plan is to get some lil' old ladies knitting up scarves and toques fer your soon to be numerous naked neck flocks...an alternating red and white contrast might look stunning on their black skins, eh.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
:caf  whats everyone up to this weekend?

Work right now. Then spending more $ than I want to on a whole hub rather than just a much cheaper bearing because auto manufacturers are stupid and greedy and then installing it in the rain because I'm to lazy to clean out my garage. Tomorrow cutting and splitting wood in the rain because I'm too dumb and lazy to do it in nice weather, we have a 'artic blast' coming next week (thanks Alaskan) so I don't have a choice. Good news, there will be stress relieving liquid refreshments both nights :) .

How's your weekend going to go?

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