Dixie Chicks

@Amberjem I think Karin has been jotting down their weights, but they've all been pretty much in the 1.2-1.6 kg range, so like 3-3½ lbs. Live weight would probably be about double that. The mommies are about 13 lbs, except for Coco who's maybe 9-10.
Dude and I are planning to put waterfowl on our pond. It is about 1 acre surface area and 20' deep at the dam. There are no trees in that
area. We do have a cabin with a 20' x 20' covered "dirt porch" about 14 ' tall at the low end.
Ideally we would like a "very low maintenance" fowl because the pond is on the farthest end of our property. We could supplement their foraging with commercial feed. But it would be almost impossible to lock them up at night.

Any input will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
@1kluckychik Ducks, mallards or muscovy, because both can fly good to evade predators.
Geese, Cotton Patch, for one they are the only domestic goose breed that can fly from a standstill and are great at evading predators, and they are supposed to be super friendly, for two they are super rare and hard to come by and you can send me eggs :-D and I bet you can make good $ off them.

Our pond (it's not there anymore sets on the bank) had a long metal pole with a concrete base and metal platform on top, yrs ago it sat in the middle of the pond with a duck house on it. I imagine if your ponds too deep to do this you could build a floating one attached to a chain or cable. Keeps most land predators from getting to them, won't stop ones that swim though.
Not like wood duck boxes, they are like birdhouses way above the water with a cone around the pole, keeps all predators out.
Domestic ducks need a dog house like house, just barely above the water.

I fed mine cheap dog food cause it floated, not sure if that's ok or not, they lived fine on it. Figured it's mainly corn and 18% protein, might be more fat than they need. You should have seen the bass that ate it also HUGE!
So latest development with the chicks, bamamama has decided to wean herself off the chicks...she isnt mean she just is like ok enough no more snuggle time. will roost hi out of reach ect... she does still call to em for tidbits however.. egna poe my chick from hatch from last new years hatch along has decided she wants to show them the ropes and is being broody mama, she watchs after them doesnt let anyone pick on em and is teaching them the ropes...she was teaching them how to come out n free range today, was coaxing them out n showing them the choice tidbit places...so it's a definite flock raising of the chicks

I have seen floating duck houses/islands.

I would try a floating island, with a dog house kind of shelter on it, and a big picnic umbrella on it hanging over the water, so they had some shaded water (to also work as an "evade raptor attack" location). Also, on the island should be some shaded and some sunny area.

Also, start out with the least expensive ducks or geese possible.... Incase they get eaten.

Geese (once close to full size) are pretty predator resistant, at least compared to other poultry, especially if you have 5 or 6 together.
Oooooooh! I started looking for duck houses..COOL!

Here were sme of my favorites:

This would be a nice easy way to have semi shaded predator protection


Some more:





With such a big pond, I would be tempted to make maybe 4 different islands, kind of strng together.

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