Dixie Chicks

Heel low:

Why one is never EVER tempted to put bedding out plants OUT before June 1st...Never done here in Pear-A-Dice, eh

View from my open toed Sandals on Friday

View from my Sorrels (nfi) on Sunday
Bwa ha ha...

Barren tater patch...snow crusted

Loved the moisture, and all things out (pond fish, native plants, plants here that were transplanted) are all doing AWESOME...but nothing tender was planted or put out...no temptations on that...EVER!

Rick picked out three new water plants to try out this season in the fish pond and waterfall.

All sitting pretty INSIDE the heated GARAGE, eh!

Only the stunned and stoopid plant out before June first...

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Haha Al, it's dug down a foot under the other stuff. Plus, it warmed up pretty nicely and was allowed to compost for a month before anything was planted in it. And why on earth would the dog poop be worse than bunny of chicken poop? Chickens can actually carry salmonella.
Tara -- I can relate with the late planting. Lowes and Home Depot have been marketing their little veggie and herb starts and people are buying them again and again and again as I think it's a marketing ploy to get folks to buy replacement plants. I warned my friend to not even think of putting out basil until the last frost date of May 10th when she asked me when to plant. She did plant early and witnessed a mega wilt with a late frost for her efforts. I then warned her again not to replant until after the May 10th date as we're famous for our April winds. Poor little things got decimated in the 30 mph constant and 50 mph gusts.

Last year I didn't get my garden in until mid-June. It was nice to have missed the squash bug invasion and enjoy a late harvest. Everything grew just fine with no trauma or drama.
I only plant peas spinach and onions early, everything else Memorial weekend, this weekend. No late frosts then.
@Peep_Show funny you mention squash bug invasion. I go by my father-in-law's advice, plant taters late, all the tater bugs have already made homes in everyone else's gardens and leave yours alone Lol!
Haha Al, it's dug down a foot under the other stuff. Plus, it warmed up pretty nicely and was allowed to compost for a month before anything was planted in it. And why on earth would the dog poop be worse than bunny of chicken poop? Chickens can actually carry salmonella.

:idunno I am not sure why, but I am OK with the rabbit and chicken poop...not with the dog. I am pretty sure you can get nastier parasites from the dog poop.

And for whatever freaky reason, I could care less about smelling chicken poop, but :sick about smelling dog poop.

Irrational... Totally (well, not totally, I think the parasite comment has merit)......But yeah

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