Dixie Chicks

Brilliant... and I see Snowys, lol...
I bet... work to do and not enough proper help, eh? Good to hear on the Ohiki... oh, I gotta get you new pics... got a couple solid black cockerels outta that half red boy, lol... a little on the leggy side still, but not too bad... a couple black pullets with super short legs too, but slight red leakage...
the pullets have leakage? Wonder if they are brown reds instead of blacks. Ill take a short legged nice type bird with leakage over one who is low quality but perfect colored any day. I'm still having a few mishaps with leaky cockerels in my Orpington pen but I just keep replacing with better offspring and it's becoming less and less yearly.
the pullets have leakage? Wonder if they are brown reds instead of blacks. Ill take a short legged nice type bird with leakage over one who is low quality but perfect colored any day. I'm still having a few mishaps with leaky cockerels in my Orpington pen but I just keep replacing with better offspring and it's becoming less and less yearly.

I'll have to check the second one, but I just noticed on the first today just a single feather that was red under her chin on her neck... didn't see if there was more... all the black boys turned out solid black, and leggy... the girls are coming out with the shortest legs, lol... I don't mind the work either, like you just keep replacing with better offspring... just had to get that through the OH's head, lol... he gets faves and wants to keep them all... and experiment with crossing this with that, and so on...
uhg, they should have the 7lb, 10lb, and 30lb hanging feeders. Someone doesn't understand they waste feed when you throw it in the ground.

@Outpost JWB, when I have one with bumblefoot I will get the infection out the best I can by removing the scab and squeezing out what I can. Then I slab a gob of ichthammol drawing salve on it and throw a piece of old sock like you did. Your be amazed how much ichthammol helps. I had a duck that just had a horrid case of it and all I did was squeeze what I could out daily and finally the 3rd day I got a huge plug of infection that was probably 2 inches long and 1/3rd of an inch wide. After I finally got that out I rinsed the wound with hydrogen peroxide and gobbed ichthammol on. A week later she has stopped completely limping. The swelling is gone too.

I first made a stab mark in her toe, then cut out a circle because she had no scab. After I squeezed out the hard kernel piece, I took a knife and scraped all around the inside of the wound. Hoping I got it all. She is normally not one to stay still for very long and doesn't like to be held, but during the surgery, she had no problem staying still. She only squawked a couple times. It really surprised me that DD held her and watched the whole thing. Yesterday the chicken (her name is Squirrel because she likes to chase squirrels that come into our yard:lau, she ran out of the coop with the rest and had already removed her bandage somehow and is not limping near as bad.
We are going to catch her this morning after I go to the feed store & get some salve.

I also have another chicken issue......I have 11 SS pullets. One is continually getting its butt chewed off:sick. The 1st time it happened they were itty bitty week old chicks and they were in a crate with Speckled Sussex, Buff Orpingtons, Black Jersey Giants, & Leghorns. Assuming overcrowding was the issue, I moved them to a bigger cage and put cornstarch on her tail to mask the blood. Not 2 days later, still applying cornstarch so the others couldn't tell, they chewed her up again.

She's been isolated in a crate in the garage for nearly a month now. Her butt had just started growing back feathers and has a big black scab on it. DD let her out & didn't watch her. I was cooking dinner & noticed DD did not have the pullet. We went on a search to find that she had went all the way back to the big coop and her tail was dripping blood AGAIN! :th

At night I separate the leghorns into one pen, the SS in another and the other breeds in a 3rd crate. None of the others show any sign of picking. I am figuring she is very much at the bottom of the pecking order and apparently at the bottom of the food chain as well.

Any suggestions on how to help her heal quickly (possibly blukote?) and why this is reoccurring? The leghorns, by far seem to be the meanest out of the bunch.....but they are not the only culprits and she just stands there and screams when they are eating her alive!?!?
Oh Yea.... Ichthamol


for pets

for people

Its black like tar and needs to be applied with gloves or a spatula.... then bandaged because its very sticky.
but its a good antibacterial and antifungal and helps with pain and itch.... as well as drawing salve for abscesses boils and splinters....

sterilie spatula is the best applicator. You dont want your fingers in this stuff. It would be perfect for bumble foot.

looks like tar!
I'll have to check the second one, but I just noticed on the first today just a single feather that was red under her chin on her neck... didn't see if there was more... all the black boys turned out solid black, and leggy... the girls are coming out with the shortest legs, lol... I don't mind the work either, like you just keep replacing with better offspring... just had to get that through the OH's head, lol... he gets faves and wants to keep them all... and experiment with crossing this with that, and so on...
@RavynFallen, weird she has one feather that's different. Long legs are an easy fix as long as you've got the short legged pullets. I've got a bunch of short blacks hatched and I'm excited to see what they turn out. I'm getting ready to throw in my black split chocolate project rooster to start getting chocolate based chicks.
@RavynFallen, weird she has one feather that's different. Long legs are an easy fix as long as you've got the short legged pullets. I've got a bunch of short blacks hatched and I'm excited to see what they turn out. I'm getting ready to throw in my black split chocolate project rooster to start getting chocolate based chicks.

Yep, lots of short legged pullets, lol... I have more blacks too, just young yet so haven't looked them over too much...
Chocolate would be cool!!

He is handsome. I do have a male growing. I thought he was a she until recently

That doesn't mean you can get outta child support... :gig

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