Dixie Chicks

I enjoy many different kinds of music, but don't listen to much of the Hard Rock or Alternative, so I'm like in the dark on many of the groups, bands you are talking about. I led a sheltered childhood. Very sheltered.
Way behind. Been busy last few days with a egg bound hen and her vent is prolapsed.
She's in the basement. I've given her baths I've given her greek yougurt with pulverized egg shell and tried Prep H, but the egg is so close it won't stay in. I first noticed her on Friday morning and brought her right in. She has now quit eating but is still drinking. This morning she woke me up at 6:30 am with a loud squawk. I thought for sure she either laid the egg and it was awful or she didn't make. But when I went down, she was the same. I don't know what else to do. I've done a ton of looking up what to do but the only other thing is giving her a shot of calcium which I don't have.
I'm afraid the egg is so big it won't come out and she's not going to make it. She's one of my original girls and is almost 3 years old. She hasn't laid any for months.
did you try lubing hr vent and also giving her some olive oil to digest?
Yeah I used mineral oil and prep h on the vent but it won't stay in and egg won't come out. I'm afraid to give her oil to digest. The last time I tried for roo with an impacted crop using a syringe I think it went down the wrong way and he asphyxiated.
She's not really wanting much of anything to eat but I'll try some mixed with food after a bath. Thanks jem!

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