Dixie Chicks

I have always read that chickens area relative to a T. rex! If funny that turtles and alligators are related to dinosaurs am they have cloacas as well. Strange but very interesting world.
They've also found out that quite a few of the dinosaurs were actually covered in something resembling feathers, that's pretty interesting too. Although a T-Rex wearing a feather boa seems slightly less intimidating.

           Don't use sevin anywhere around them.  They will drop dead quick. 
Thanks! I looked it up and will avoid.

Morning all!  I am BEAT!  Today is only day 3 of my 7 day work stretch.  And it hasn't even started yet.  News just said local company is laying off over 2,000 people.   I am going to be stuck working where I work until I die!!!  I know, I should feel fortunate that I even have a job, but this place has changed SO much in the past year.  Retail does change and I have rolled with the punches for 17 years.  Its just recently gotten very hard to tolerate.  I have been looking & applying for jobs for 6 months.  The job market is not good around here.  Well, gotta get moving.  3:08am here, too darn early for humans.

I'm sorry about ur job!
I'm right there with mine. I have to keep telling myself...medical insurance,steady income. Some days it works better than others.

Morning all! Sorry for my absence the last few days, but I am hoping to be back in action!

Our weather was quite warm (+6C!!!) and has finally cooled down again, -9 this morning and new snow!

Chickens are happy, they had a few days out in the run. Egg production is up too, I have 6 layers now!! :celebrate Plus my one 2013 Chantecler is also laying again. Her egg was 59g yesterday, in the fall she averaged 66g. Time to start selling eggs to co-workers. No way I can eat 6 eggs a day to keep up!

Nice!love extra eggs.

oh my chicken just had procreation!! Butler is mounting the hens now!

Whoop whoop...babies soon!
I'm sorry about ur job!
I'm right there with mine. I have to keep telling myself...medical insurance,steady income. Some days it works better than others.
Nice!love extra eggs.
Whoop whoop...babies soon!
Huge layoffs in my area too... budget cuts, etc. My company has cut hours in order to avoid any lay offs at the moment.

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