Dixie Chicks

Awesome! Celebration!

I am celebrating too! Last day of work at Lowe's!!!
Feels like I am graduating from high school or something! Only got 3 hours of sleep because little girl decided at 9pm that she had homework! Homework that required a poster board. Off to store we went. (Not happy.) Then to put all the pics on the poster board & label all the pics. She did this, I just had to tell her what to write-it's a timeline project. After that was done, 10:30ish, she "discovers" she also has spelling. Spelling that is suppose to be done throughout the week. So, rush, rush, I look up the definitions, she writes them, puts them in alphabetical order, count the syllables, names the part of speech, done. Right? Oh No! She also has MATH
Yeap. I got in bed sometime about 11:30pm. Up at 2am. Kept hitting snooze until 2:30am. She is in 3rd grade & had ALL DAY yesterday (Snow day) to do this homework. She is now grounded from the computer.

Good news again: This is the last time I HAVE to wake up at a ridiculous unhumanlike hour to go to work!!!! SUPER EXCITED! Also, Bank called me yesterday and wants to ship me away for a week, paid expenses, meals, hotel, gas mileage, the whole nine yards. One week of training. A huge part of me was like: YES! YES! I'll go! The other part says reality.....daycare issues, we only have one running vehicle, DH has to tend to chickens and rabbits for a week??? UGH! Still pondering all of this. No decision made yet.

You all have a good day!!

Haha - I can relate - though thankfully my little boy (3rd grade) hasn't done that to me so late at night. He was grounded all last week for leaving an essay until the last minute - after having asked him daily if he had any homework
Guess I have to be Super Strict Mom with him. He's too smart for my own good - got to stay a few steps ahead of that one - you know the saying "give him and inch and he'll take a mile" that's my son. It's going to be a long ten years until he's 18 and out on his own - although he's saying now he'll never leave
He is adorable and super sweet when he's not driving me nuts!

I thought today was you're last day - congrats!!! Enjoy your weekend Outpost you deserve to celebrate this new adventure. About the trip, if you commit, the details will fall into place. If you're anything like me, it's hard to leave the little ones but it's so good for us (and them) for us to have a change of pace for a bit.

Happy Friday Everyone!!
@vehve very nice looking bunny. My son wants one...nope for now at least. New chicken adventure, remodel and subsequent move is enough for now thank you very much!

@perchie.girl hilarious Popeye's story!

and @bamadude you are one pretty funny dude. Even if you make no sense a lot of the time you still crack me up.
Went to work like this:

Left like this:
Now I am like this:
. Just one of those bitter sweet days. I did call the bank and I am going on VACATION!!! (Oooops! I mean training

@vehve , Hilda is gorgeous! My bunny mama has lost another baby and another one appears to be starving as well. This weekend I am going to investigate on proper raising of bunnies because we are doing something wrong.
Went to work like this:

Left like this:
Now I am like this:
. Just one of those bitter sweet days. I did call the bank and I am going on VACATION!!! (Oooops! I mean training

@vehve , Hilda is gorgeous! My bunny mama has lost another baby and another one appears to be starving as well. This weekend I am going to investigate on proper raising of bunnies because we are doing something wrong.

Maybe you just ended up with a bad mama bunny... just like some chickens eat their owns chicks....
Went to work like this::weee

Left like this::hit    Now I am like this:  :D .  Just one of those bitter sweet days.   I did call the bank and I am going on VACATION!!! (Oooops!  I mean training:oops: )

, Hilda is gorgeous!  My bunny mama has lost another baby and another one appears to be starving as well.  This weekend I am going to investigate on proper raising of bunnies because we are doing something wrong.
some bunnies are horrible mamas. I've had some great ones and some we just gave away to get rid of cause they were so horrid. Sometimes a first timer makes a awesome mother second time around, but not always. I usually have them 2 litters. No improvement on the second, off they went!
We got our 600th egg yesterday (since we got chickens).

Awesome!  Celebration!:D

I am celebrating too!  Last day of work at Lowe's!!!  :weee   Feels like I am graduating from high school or something!    Only got 3 hours of sleep because little girl decided at 9pm that she had homework!  Homework that required a poster board.  Off to store we went.  (Not happy.)   Then to put all the pics on the poster board & label all the pics.  She did this, I just had to tell her what to write-it's a timeline project.  After that was done, 10:30ish, she "discovers" she also has spelling.  Spelling that is suppose to be done throughout the week.  So, rush, rush, I look up the definitions, she writes them, puts them in alphabetical order, count the syllables, names the part of speech, done.  Right?  Oh No!  She also has MATH:barnie   Yeap.  I got in bed sometime about 11:30pm.  Up at 2am.  Kept hitting snooze until 2:30am.  She is in 3rd grade & had ALL DAY yesterday (Snow day) to do this homework.  She is now grounded from the computer. 

Good news again:  This is the last time I HAVE to wake up at a ridiculous unhumanlike hour to go to work!!!!  SUPER EXCITED!   Also, Bank called me yesterday and wants to ship me away for a week, paid expenses, meals, hotel, gas mileage, the whole nine yards.  One week of training.  A huge part of me was like: YES! YES!  I'll go!  The other part says reality.....daycare issues, we only have one running vehicle, DH has to tend to chickens and rabbits for a week???  UGH!  Still pondering all of this.  No decision made yet.

You all have a good day!! 

The operative word was "SNOW DAY." Yeah, she knew. Good mama.

As to going to the week of training, I say go for it. If they are willing to train you right away, they are investing in you as an employee, so I think if there is any way you can give that the undivided weeks' attention they want you to...do it!
@vehve, nice bunny. If it turns out to be a her, I would call her "Princess Hilma Leia."

@JWB, apparently a good mama with babies will often just accept any put in with them. So if it comes to it...find someone with bunny mama and babies?

@ jem, best wishes on the "long wait!." Let us hear when pips appear.

edited to add an L to Hilma.
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