Dixie Chicks

What the auto repair man expects as an explanation....

You know that whatchamacallit that fits on the thingamajig-doohicky.... it goes into my Framis or it wont work.

I tell them its the Cotter pin for the shifter because it wont engage the gear....

What the auto repair man hears.....

You know that whatchamacallit that fits on the thingamajig-doohicky.... it goes into my Framis or it wont work.

I stare at him...

Oh yeah right Cotter pin....


Windows 10.  So far I loved my tiles on windows 8.1.  On windows 10 it's like overkill.  They scrunched tiles and 2 different lists onto the left side of the screen.  Makes no sense not using the whole screen.  I haven't tried out my personal secretary yet.  Google voice which turns on by saying "okay Google" on some pc's is a much more impersonal secretary which is just the way I like it.

I also hate that everytime you open a page on a page it comes up split screen.  I hate that too.
I got an ad to upgrade to Windows 10 for FREE. Problem, after a year it cost to keep it up and running properly in Computer. If you dont pay, just remember it has actually infiltrated every crack in every program. That means every progr is left damaged. Ouch!!!
Oh good grief!!!

that horrid spelling is my trying to type on the new computer!

wowsers.... not so good

It's, BYC, I fight with my keyboard on BYC, no other site, but of coarse it might be the windows 8 talkin!?? Missing letters all the time, hve t go back through and fix half of my words....have to go back through andfix half of my words.....??????????
No other website or search do I have this problem.
Chopped the head off my beloved welsummer roo three days ago finally
kids are happy though, no more mean roo. Only weighed 4.5lbs dressed, the ones I butchered at 16 weeks weighed 3.5-4, lot of wasted feed....I thought he was much bigger. The dumb silkies are now in the big coop, same thing as when I first put them in the temporary coop, every night picking them up and putting them in the coop when I get home from work, dumb birds, hope they get it soon. They are huge, TSC silkies are definitely not SOP, but better for my plans. One rooster is bigger than any of my hens EE and wellie, leghorns etc, he's big. I was worried the hens would hurt them, nope! I don't know if it is the shock of missing their rooster or what. They stay segregated, it almost looks like the year and a half old hens are scared of them! Lol! Today I put the red Sussex chicks and white j giants, single langshan into the silkies temporary coop and big run. I didn't think they would be in the coop when I got home, no biggie first night. Had my mini mag light to see and started tossing them in, they scattered! Darn things I had a heck of a time getting them all in, and they kept running back out and squawking like crazy, probably calling in all predators in the area! Got thinking I should block them in so went back out, one jg was out by the fence already, threw it back in and two more came out grrr. It's dark out side they can't see! Finally all in, piece of plywood blocking them with a cinder block holding it.. Maybe the dumb silkies weren't so bad after all.
Maybe I'm dumb, checked the big coop to see if EE broody is still setting, yup, looks like a flattened bull frog, with teeth. Saw a egg in another box so I put in my pocket... now I have a mess, yuck...

Good night all, beer thirty, finally Friday, don't have to work this weekend, so happy, should be a little drunk out tonight, and a 'blue moon', a smurf will be born tonight Lol!
I gave grandma's china crysyal to my older sisters girls bc my boys did not want it. Not this turn of the century but the other. from beforebthe turn of the century. No, not this one but from 1890. My grandmother was 48 when she had my daddy. She was born just after the Civil War ended. I never used her things. They took up valuable REAL ESTATE. Oldest Sister's girls were haply to get. Also gave them the teacups and saucer sets of my other Grandmothers. What I once wanted and needed over 40 years ago, no longer used. And hauled around stillPacked up from military move after retirement move. If I can not use it, it is taking up valuable REAL ESTATE it goes.

This cabin(albeit large by most cabin standards) is less than half the size of our last place and some things still have not been unpacked after all these years. So stuff in china cabinet must go. What I use for everyday would surprise must people.

I decided decades ago use it or loose it. But then again on the other side of the coin were THOSE things I could not bare to use.
When we moved that/this one last time I gave away to GoodWill, Salvation Army, Womens center. I had Yard sales, sold furniture and slowly moved our things here. We took over a year to move only what we wanted inside cabin but alot was stored inside my workshop, so my workshop was not used for anything other than chicks. Chicks. And more CHICKS. I even had a consignment bin I paid rent on to move outdoor furniture and interrior furiture and loads of breakables into to sell. When my lease ran out I did not renew. I oricrd so low I was recouping enough to oay the rent in the bin. The bin was only a 10x10. I got rid of a lit of stuff. The owner of the flea mall made loads of money on all the vendors. I made nothing.

I should have gotten rid of WAY more at the base area bc I knew then there would be no yardsales here! I live on a dirt single lane road that is a two way road. Backup or pull off the cliff to let others by. But it does not get used often. The farmer on the right is and all his buildings. The farmer down on the end and all his buildings. Then there is us and all our buildings. The problem it is a state road! All the people way down and around on a different road use it as a short cut off their roads by driving Through a couple of shallow creeks to get to our road. I love it when it snows and onlybus three farms use the road. People get off the Parkway just so they can drive hanging off the cliffs and through the creeks and look at our farms and out buildings. I went out one day and burned the old goat shed down.
Fools actually stopped to take pics of that too!
What do people do with all this pics. Know what I went to Europe three times in my life I did not want to burdeon myself and I wanted to enjoy.

What I use for everyday? I use my good silverware, china and crystal from when I was first married over 44 years ago and continued to collect through the 70's. Ah!!! What fun I had growing up as a teenager in the 60's.

I have some fun pieces because well no mater what Ice Tea just tastes best out of a ball/mason jar but my snacks are sitting on my Godinger and my wine,.... Yup I do use MY crystal, never could use my grandmam's or momma's. Just could not.

With this last move I sold the everyday dishware and glasses at a yard sale.

I chose to use for everyday, my china and crystal.

After I bought many years agonan received as gifts many years ago,...really years latter I realized I had made a mistake. After the first decade or so, I said wow, wished I had gotten off white pattern on off white dishes. If I break, I can go to Replacements dotcom and get, well, replacements.
Replacing anything broken is not difficult. And yes I will
Eat a lunch off of a Noritake dish, As I drink ice tea out of an old fruit jar. I just decided back around 1988-1990. I did not really care for all those flowers on my plates! Yeah like 2 decades later, really and so I considered selling but did not. Then 2011-12, ROLLS around and I am wanting to dump the good stuff and the everyday stuff and no where can I really sell It all! Every other baby boomer hit ebay, consignment shops, good grief. I was practically giving things away at yard sales for two years. And I did give it away at the consignment an rent a bin/boothe flea mall.

So aince Instill have MY good stuff I picked out, I use it. I have decided not to replace with anything from replacements dot com anylonger. I decided no one needs everyday dishware and the good china. And if there were a way I would sell my good china. I would get the best everyday ware I could. With NO fruit, NO flowers springles or plopped on the disheware. Plain, clean, unadorned off white. Not stark white. Not dark beige. I made a mistake and I live with it everyday. And wverytime I pull a dish or bowl out I know in the back of my mind I am saying... Gee I wish I had gotten unadorned 44 years ago. I am even thinking of selling it all to replacementsdotcom. Use that Noritake for everyday and drink wine from crystal and bedtime snacks from Godinger and ice tea from old fruit jars.

I really enjoyed this post. Sounds like me with all the antique glass and dinnerware that you save "for good" but for good never comes and when it does it's usually a barbque. So I unloaded a bunch of dinner sets and now just have 2 sets of melamine which have nice bright designs. My goodly dishes will be unloaded on my daughter. Her turn to babysit all that glass.

A few years ago someone spotted this bowl my hen was eating out of as from an expensive set of dishes that my aunt had given me, and this member said she remembered her parents drove 8 hours to Canada to buy that same design set called Acapulco by someone and Fitz.
Why am I missing letters all the time too? Darn laptops. Half my time on the laptop I'm tapping that backspace button. I solved the problem of the windows 10 dumb start page which was lopsided with 3 different categories - I found out how to expand the tiles over the whole screen like windows 8, and my other start stuff is a pop out column on the left. Yeah!.

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