Dixie Chicks

That happens, lol...

Sorry for all the epic losses, everyone...

Congrats on the bouncing baby boy, Briard Chickens!!!

Fails and losses this year... had super hot summer, lost a couple hens and a cockerel to what seemed to just be heatstroke... added electrolytes and vites to their water, losses stopped... weather started cooling down and ducks started having breathing problems... got scared I had a severe respiratory issue... just as a last resort with my special needs girl, I tried dewormer... come to find out, my entire flock got severely infested with gapeworms... awful, nasty worms... a real pain to treat... found some tapeworms as well...

Losses were my best black split Ameraucana hen and my last Cream Legbar boy...

Epic fail... my Lav Orpington/Australorp cross project... finally got to 2 Lav pullets and at almost 9 months they haven't laid a single egg...


Ugghh... So glad we haven't had worms, mites or bugs, diseases of any sort with our birds, lucky I guess. Wish you and yours the best,
Hope you had a great Christmas, Merry Christmas to you too!
What is your current pet chicken project?
Long running process of the white giants, love them so huge and calm, my babies, never give up on them. Eggxciting project of naked necks now, love those birds, can't believe and are so surprised on how cold hardy they are, below zero, wind chill double digits, naked necks first out of the coop, dang awesome birds!!. Have one breeding project of coloreds and one of whites with a couple cornishX girls, soo AMP'd on them, we started with fifteen, culled to five so we ate ten and they were sooo goood!!!! tasting lol
Ugghh... So glad we haven't had worms, mites or bugs, diseases of any sort with our birds, lucky I guess. Wish you and yours the best,
Hope you had a great Christmas, Merry Christmas to you too!

Starling invasion, ugh!! Those things are nasty and bring in the worst bugs... :/

Hope yours was wonderful and family is well and happy!!!

Long running process of the white giants, love them so huge and calm, my babies, never give up on them. Eggxciting project of naked necks now, love those birds, can't believe and are so surprised on how cold hardy they are, below zero, wind chill double digits, naked necks first out of the coop, dang awesome birds!!. Have one breeding project of coloreds and one of whites with a couple cornishX girls, soo AMP'd on them, we started with fifteen, culled to five so we ate ten and they were sooo goood!!!! tasting lol :drool

Did you opt out of the fibro project then?

Oh, and the one that had a tree fall on his coop was Joe (jw12)... he's an East TNer... haven't heard from him since a bit after that too... :(
@JW12 we were wondering how you have been .... last folks remember is a tree falling on your coop.

There... maybe he will get that... or maybe someone should send him a message.

Merry Christmas everyone! I was fed.. I am happy. :D

As to starlings.... :barnie and a bunch of :mad:

Blasted things have finally made it up to Alaska.... they are just now coming in... why something like the Nature Conservancy doesn't hand out a quarter a corpse I dont know,

The Alaska something or other hands out pamphlets of "if you see these plants, STOP and rip them out!" Not sure why they don't do that with the starlings.

They aren't in my area yet... but I think in Anchorage.

I too have had no intestinal parasites with my birds, but regular feather lice AND the dreaded scale lice on my!
Long running process of the white giants, love them so huge and calm, my babies, never give up on them. Eggxciting project of naked necks now, love those birds, can't believe and are so surprised on how cold hardy they are, below zero, wind chill double digits, naked necks first out of the coop, dang awesome birds!!. Have one breeding project of coloreds and one of whites with a couple cornishX girls, soo AMP'd on them, we started with fifteen, culled to five so we ate ten and they were sooo goood!!!! tasting lol :drool
I think real chicken people always seem to have more than one project bird. I downsize and then add. Now I have to downsize again for More surgery. Darn old age is mean.
JW12, Joe has been gone for over a year I think... Tried messaging him but he hasn't been around or online here sence June 2015 (I just looked)... I can't remember now but I think he lost most of his flock in that storm, maybe he updated us on the dark side. Hasn't been there in over a year either. I also miss TNT she was cool... Lost her address or I'd write her old school paper style lol
Beercan, duck egg business started off good, got lots of eggs per day and then my numbers dwindled mid summer. Stupid ravens were stealing left right and centre... We battled until the ducks went into molt and they haven't laid since. Didn't help then that we recently had a family of raccoons move in. Ducks now have a secure house but we'll continue to battle the ravens this spring.f'ers rip through bird netting and dig in under fences or they'll use the tiniest gap between fences to sneak in.
Beercan, duck egg business started off good, got lots of eggs per day and then my numbers dwindled mid summer. Stupid ravens were stealing left right and centre... We battled until the ducks went into molt and they haven't laid since. Didn't help then that we recently had a family of raccoons move in. Ducks now have a secure house but we'll continue to battle the ravens this spring.f'ers rip through bird netting and dig in under fences or they'll use the tiniest gap between fences to sneak in.

What a nghtmare!!!! :barnie
Figures I'd curse myself by mentioning that I may hatch some chicks from my bearded cochin pen. I got the first eggs from there today. 2 were in the coop, where I don't look every day, and she laid one this afternoon while I was filling feeders and such, in the nest box. Thinking they all came from the same girl though.

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