
Queen Of The Coop
7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Title says the most.....have you ever made your own slime!!!??
I love slime! I want to make some...but for now i needs the right ingredients!!
So have you made slime before!!???
This is a chicken/poultry website, so I wonder why you would ask about slime, but my younger sisters have made slime before, so I know what the ingredients are.

- Glue
- Shaving Cream
- Corn Starch
- Foaming Hand Soap
- Water
- Baking Soda
- Contact Lens Solution
I thought of putting this in random ramblings but i saw the i put it as DIY
this is just like a random rambling, i know its a poultry website...but you can post different things too...
thanks for the ingredients....
We have done it before we just use water, Borex and elmers glue. I used this recipe in the beginning, but now we just sort of do our own thing.
We sometimes add glitter, or other things to make it different. Ours dries out within about a week, but I am sure it would last longer if you don't have kids that don't close the bag all the way and stuff like that.

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