DLM Clean out door......What do ya think?


9 Years
Oct 2, 2010
Slidell, Louisiana
Hey, So after building a initial coop and run for Big A**ed birds, wife wanted Bantam coop. So, I started building. Tried to incorporate many cool ideas I have seen on BYC. Besides all the basics as far as ventilation, space, light , windows, easy access, etc.... I decided to build a coop that has a small door in the middle of the house that could be opened for removal of shavings and poop come spring clean up time. So, this is what I did. Figure I can spread a tarp below the door and just shovel/sweep everything onto it, then drag it over to the compost pile. Simple enought, right? Give me your thoughts!

Here is new coop project and the door opening for clean out is in center of photo at floor level. Will have secure.. hinged door...that can swing up when clean out is necessary.
I had one in my original build but it became the entrance to their "Florida Room". Now I just shovel poop out the front door. So much for plans!
Great Idea,

You could have the door swing down to make a ramp to get the poo away from the edge of the building.

Ok wait, I think you said that, or did you mean the door swings up to open it...

Either way, nice looking build. Would a dream job be building coop's professionally or what!!! Man would that be cool...

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