Do both of these chicks need to be put down??

The one in the bottom picture clearly had intestines out, and deterioriated. Hubby put him down last night.

The one on top, hubby forgot to put the neosporin on last night (I worked late) and now seems to have an infection. Internal swelling. She had a poo, though. Don't know if that's a good sign. Just put the neosporin on this morning.

Now do deal with the one that's not coming out of the shell. :-(
Oh so sorry for the loss. I would just wait out with the other, good you put the antibiotic on it. Is the one in shell still chirping? I've done four assisted hatches with two surviving chicks. Go slow as possible, start small chips at pip, if you see bleeding stop and put pressure on the spot wrap in moist towel and let rest in incubator. The idea is you want the chick to work it's way out.
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You're right about the chick most likely being shrink wrapped. I basically worked up from the pip to get the pointy air cell end of egg off, then wet the white membrane to see if there are active blood veins still, they will be large and red. Inactive ones are about a hairs width and pinkish. If there are not active veins start slowly peeling membrane back up from pip. Don't be surprised if you get the chick free and its still stuck with vein and cord to bottom of shell, set it back in incubator and let it dry, it will fall off eventually give it time. If it doesn't look if it's still red, if it's brownish tan you can cut it. Good luck, I hope you have success. Please let me know how it goes or if you have any questions please ask, I will keep checking in this evening.
Thanks so much for your support!

Egg shell one is chirping, but not rolling. I've wrapped the egg in warm wet washcloth with a hole for air and put it in the humid corner of the incubator. The hole is pretty big, and bigger this morning than last night.

The little Welsummer along in the incubator is high energy still, very loud.

Should I be worried about the new one getting infected from the Welsummer? I don't know how I could keep them separated. The washcloth is helping that at the moment.
No I wouldn't worry about that, it's good it's getting around and being noisy maybe it will encourage the other to hatch out. Good to hear the hole is larger on the pipped egg! Here's hoping! How long has the egg been pipped and what day is it on?
Here is a pick of the swelling. She had access to food and water, after the second day.

Just now I gave it a bath and put more betadine and neosporin on. Swelling looks less, but clearly has a lump outside that shouldn't be.
She's tweeting up a storm now. Not happy about being wet? In more pain now?? She seemed to enjoy part of the bath it while it was happening.

She's settled down now that she's dry. Clearly still sticky, though. She's exhausted, but won't lie down. Falling asleep in her feet! Her lungs still sure work.

She's also started picking on Shelly: This one doesn't lift her head for very long, or walk much. But it's only been a few hours.

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