Do I have to use Hardware Cloth on the run?

Your best plan is to build a predator proof coop and roofed run large enough for your flock to be comfortable and safe in for weeks at a time; when snow is on the ground, during lockdown after predator episodes, or while you are out of town. Too small, and you will have behavior issues, like severe pecking, and maybe chickens killing each other. They can be little velociraptors!
Then, your larger run can be 'relatively safe', to keep out raptors and many visitors, while giving everyone more room during the day. Free ranging birds are still at greater risk, and may or may not be feasible where you live.
Electric fencing or electric poultry netting are excellent for managing ground predators, and always worthwhile.
Lighting, mirrors, sounds, and other predator avoidance schemes will fail, sometime in a very short time. Spend money on fencing instead!
I mean I know we have minks, possums, hawks, and owls, I haven't really seen too many coons out here but it's a possibility. But most of those are nocturnal. So shouldn't I just focus the run on things like hawks and predators that would get them while they are in the run? The coop should keep out rats and mink(since it's raised off the ground) and coons and possums. I just can't think of any predator during the day that would justify hardware cloth completely enclosing the run but maybe I'm wrong.
A mink attacked a friend's flock in the morning not too far from your area. I think that generally nocturnal animals will hunt at night, but they can still do it in the day.
We had a hawk do an evening surveillance just tonight before dusk.
I think you have to decide what works for you and what you feel comfortable with. I have 4 chickens so feel like I don't have enough to lose even one. I just recently aquired ducks. So, now a new worry added.
My chickens are in a small run and coop during the day and if I am out there, they are allowed out in the open run. I was cleaning a playhouse that I am planning to use as a duck house just the other day. I thought it would be good to let the chickens out since I could keep an eye on them. They were out for less than 30 min and a hawk was circling (not sure if it is the same one as this evening's hawk). I rushed them into their safe area. How brazen of the hawk to do that with me in sight. :mad:
The ducklings are still tucked away indoors, so they are cozy and safe. But, soon, I have to decide what to do with their area.
What size of run do you have?
A mink attacked a friend's flock in the morning not too far from your area. I think that generally nocturnal animals will hunt at night, but they can still do it in the day.
We had a hawk do an evening surveillance just tonight before dusk.
I think you have to decide what works for you and what you feel comfortable with. I have 4 chickens so feel like I don't have enough to lose even one. I just recently aquired ducks. So, now a new worry added.
My chickens are in a small run and coop during the day and if I am out there, they are allowed out in the open run. I was cleaning a playhouse that I am planning to use as a duck house just the other day. I thought it would be good to let the chickens out since I could keep an eye on them. They were out for less than 30 min and a hawk was circling (not sure if it is the same one as this evening's hawk). I rushed them into their safe area. How brazen of the hawk to do that with me in sight. :mad:
The ducklings are still tucked away indoors, so they are cozy and safe. But, soon, I have to decide what to do with their area.
What size of run do you have?

Well I don't have a run yet, I'm constructing it. My coop is going to be 8x8 and the run 20x10 and I plan to make the run covered with metal sheeting like the coop. I have to get it done fast though because my flock of 14 little chicks (6 barred rocks, 7 RIR's, and 1 black Sex Link) are going to need moved out of the brooder soon as we have had them for about 4-5 weeks now. Otherwise I would wait until we have the money and just do hardware cloth all the way around. I have the coop walls framed and everything but I have to attach the hardware cloth or whatever I decide to use to the bottom of the frame first before I put it into the ground as it will be raised above ground so they ran run underneath it as the run will be attached to the coop. I couldn't ever free range here as there is a road to one side of our land and a swamp and river to the other side and I don't know if they would ever make it back from either.
I have never known a roo to defend the flock. My neighbor has lost a fair number of birds to fox, weasel, hawk. All losses occurred with roo in attendance. My losses to hawks occurred with a roo in attendance.

My roo sounds the alarm. But he would be helpless against most predators. Yes, some roos will go down fighting. And they may be the first to be killed. But, you CAN'T depend on a roo to provide predator protection.

@BReeder! you are correct in that many predators are on the prowl at twilight and early sunrise. For that matter, I've killed a number of coons that have been out wandering at mid day. And, I've also seen weasels out and about during day light hours. Same with fox. My neighbor down the street had a fox that was hunting mice in her back yard during the day.
THIS! :goodpost:
I used no HWC at all on my run. Folks seem to think it is the end all be all, but I don't like it. I used 1/2" X 1" cage wire on the bottom of the run and 2" X 3 " fence wire on the upper part and roof. Cage wire is thicker and easier to work with than HWC. Just my .02.

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