Do my bunnies look fed? also, the darker one has what looks like flaky skin on his back x


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 13, 2014
Good :) they seem to have grown since yesterday! So quick! Cant wait til they open their eyes! What's the flaky stuff? Is it just dry skin or milk? There are no mites. White one has it on the inside of her legs too
What colours are we guessing?

This is mum (the white and grey)

This is dad

Both pics were taken a few months ago. My bucks mane is flourishing again now :)
The scaly look is normal - it's just a sort of flaky skin that newborns often have. As to colors, the white is probably a Ruby-eyed White, though since you know the buck is Vienna marked and you can't be sure about the doe, there is a possibility of Blue-eyed White. Right now, I'm thinking the darker one could be a Siamese sable, or it may be a self Chin; the eyes may turn out to be gray. It's a little hard to tell from photographs, because the color of the lighting can affect how the color of the animal appears.
Oh I'd love if it was a bew and a self chin! I love them anyways as they're my first bunnies but that would be a bonus! I used to have a chinchilla bun when I was little, he was my first bun and lived to the ripe old age of 9! He was amazing and kick started my love of rabbits :)

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