Do they remember?

Interesting discussion. How long does an individual remember things /sounds? Some examples given are not that clear in what causes the behaviour that seems a remembering thing.

Repeating sounds that chickens can attach to good food is certainly something chickens can learn. But I am quit sure they stop responding to it when the sound changes to another sound.

I think instinct and communication also play an important role in the behaviour of chickens.

I really like to know how long individual chickens remember sounds. But never found an scientific article (testing). And even then.

Most test are done one hybrids for egg production. While there a surely differences in intelligence and/or behaviour between industrial/hybrid chickens and chicken breeds kept free ranging and for generations of natural breeding.

Maybe we can start with the sound of the car that is recognized after several months. How many 2 or 3?. Who has an experience of an equal time or even longer?
Interesting discussion. How long does an individual remember things /sounds? Some examples given are not that clear in what causes the behaviour that seems a remembering thing.

Repeating sounds that chickens can attach to good food is certainly something chickens can learn. But I am quit sure they stop responding to it when the sound changes to another sound.

I think instinct and communication also play an important role in the behaviour of chickens.

I really like to know how long individual chickens remember sounds. But never found an scientific article (testing). And even then.

Most test are done one hybrids for egg production. While there a surely differences in intelligence and/or behaviour between industrial/hybrid chickens and chicken breeds kept free ranging and for generations of natural breeding.

Maybe we can start with the sound of the car that is recognized after several months. How many 2 or 3?. Who has an experience of an equal time or even longer?
My chickens used to respond to "chick chick chicky" but I thought it sounded silly after a while so I changed it to "hey you chickens" I havent tried "chick chick chicky" in a long time...probably 6 months. I could try it later today if that would give you some data
My previous example did not involve food or fear. Food related pertains to to knowing a landscape covering several acres where a particular eat such as grass hoppers are most available in certain areas only under certain weather conditions. The birds do not seem to just test the entire area every day, especially the areas that are further afield and away from cover.

Broody hens and harem masters that are experienced clearly lead. That is where knowledge acquired over time could make older adults better parents.
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I have 2 birds remaining in my flocks that witnessed a hawk attack in my yard.
The ever broody one that saw it all (6+) years ago refuses to forage more than 5' from the safe coop and run.
After less than 30 minutes out she calls all the birds from that coop back into the safe place.
If I leave the coop and run doors open she will not allow anyone to venture out.

Remembers the fright? :confused:
She was fine roaming about before that but not once since then.
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I have 2 birds remaining in my flocks that witnessed a hawk attack in my yard.
The ever broody one that saw it all (6+) years ago refuses to forage more than 5' from the safe coop and run.
After less than 30 minutes out she calls all the birds from that coop back into the safe place.
If I leave the coop and in doors open she will not allow anyone to venture out.

Remembers the fright? :confused:
She was fine roaming about before that but not once since then.
I believe chickens are smarter than we may think they are. Mine know I keep treats in my pockets and they try to pick my pockets if they can get close enough. They understand the word "treat" and will go inside the run and wait for me to toss scratch about. Although I do think it is more than food that makes them remember us. When you raise an animal from birth you establish a bond with them. So @NHMountainMan, I'm sure you are more than a noisy old pick up truck and bringer of food to your former chicken babies.
I know my chickens can easily distinguish me from other humans no matter what I am wearing. They recognize my DH, and know that he's okay but he's not Mom. They react very differently to strangers.
They have shown that they remember things that happened months ago, so I am putting 2 and 2 together to say yes, I think they would remember me if separated for several months. I think your cockerel recognized you.
A man in Australia (self sufficient me) did a video about one of his hens seeing a spider in the coop doorway when being let out and how it remembered to check that doorway every day for another tasty treat....

I truly believe they are far more intelligent than most give them credit for. They mourn, they coddle, and they have over 30 different sounds for communication - and who knows how many postures are also communicating.....
This would totally make sense. Much like wild birds they likely remember where potential past food sources are. Evolution wise this would be more efficient that constantly having to look for new and unique food sources. Just like me - keep going back to the fridge even though I know there's nothing good in there :lau

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