Do Vets give rooster physicals? I want my roo checked out.


9 Years
Jul 17, 2010
Since one of my roos just died last week, I want to get my other roo examined. Can't go through that again, heartbreaking.

Can I bring my other roosters to a vet for a physical of sorts?

If so, what would it entail?

I'm alittle affraid of the cost but it will be worth it knowing my Roo is healthy.

If you take him to a vet, make sure that they will take ROOSTERS. I know that some vets around here will take hens, but not rooster

also make sure the vet has experince in chickens.
the vet will look your roo over for any physical problems.
but its hard to find out whats wrong with a chicken, unless the vet takes fecal tests, blood tests, etc... And that can get VERY expensive.

Hope This helps.

We brought our roo in, when he was sick.
unfortunately the vet we brought him to dident have very much experience with chickens, and dident see his PHYSICAL problem.
a Week later we found a vet that knew chickens, and knew exactly what was wrong with him, with out doing ANY tests.

So really make sure the vet has experience with chickens.
also It may take a number of calls to find a vet that takes chickens. so it is good to find a vet, before an emergence happens.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes.
I would look for an avian vet and expect to pay exotic animal prices. If you get lucky, you might be able to find a farm vet, but most of those do large animal or flock management for poultry and not individual treatment of poultry.

I'd say with birds, they are good at hiding everything and you could have a fecal float done to check for parasites, but other than that....

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