Do we have any raw milk drinkers here?

My husband loves raw milk! So do my two toddlers.

I am trying to come around to it... I've been spoiled by years and years and years of the homogenized stuff so getting used to the raw stuff is going to take a little time for me, but my family says it is delicious so I figure I have to give it a shot.

By the way, we get it for about $6 a gallon here in Kentucky, but we have to drive quite a ways to get it because so few farmers around here will sell it. We hope to start milking our own goats within this next year, though.
Wow if my farmer knew he could charge that much for pet milk! I would be broke! 3$ a gallon here!
We drink raw milk here too. I have Nubian and Mini Nubians goats. I also have a mid-size Mini Jersey and an Aryshire milking cows. I love all the milk. I am trying to get herd shares started but no one seems interested. My family love all the milk. I have been making butter about everyday. My freeze is filling up with the fresh butter. I am so thankful I don't have to drink the store milk anymore.

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