Do we have any raw milk drinkers here?

when we can get raw, we do.
Funny, I am in TX and my mom is in NJ. When I told her we stopped buying milk from the store and decided to buy direct from the cow - the fit she thew! For months she begged me to stop and I showed her article after article that it was safe if a farmer takes care of his herd and takes all the necessary precautions. Told her what happened to store bought milk to make it look and taste like milk and she still would not listen. To this day, a year after making the change, she still gets on me. When she comes for a visit in may guess what she will be drinking?
And she will discover what she is missing!

I am making yogurt right now with some; the kids gobble it up faster than I can make it! I have not even been able to taste it myself!!!
My mom is the same way. She was horrified to learn that we drank our goat's milk without pasturizing it first.
I would if i had the chance. I bought 3 Nigi does with the plan on breeding them and having fresh milk but never did it. I still could if i wanted too I guess. Just not sure if I'm up to milking twice a day, rain or shine and being that tied down to it.
We have to go "underground" to get raw milk around here from a local farmer. He's afraid someone will turn him in for bartering with folks like us who love the stuff. There are several familys that trade and barter for it along with us - great stuff and much better than store milk.
We do as we can afford it. It's legal to buy here from certified sellers and it's not too hard to come by, just spendy. I do love the stuff though! No room for a cow where I live or I'd be all over it!
Oh, My, Goodness!!!!! We love raw milk. Mainly when it is {{{ice cold}}}

Whenever we get milk. i first take off the cream and make fresh butter.....

I haven't ever made yogurt but it sure sounds yummy too.

Now.....Where did that Jersey go to?

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