Do we have any raw milk drinkers here?

; just $10 for the share, $1/yr fee, and $6/gallon

Wow that is cheap! In Colorado you have to buy a share and by the time you pay all the fees you are looking at between $8-$10 per gallon.

I want a Dexter cow too but my yard is so tiny I don't think I could get away with it. Plus trying to convince hubby it is some kind of exotic dog might be tough

I had to drive to Kansas a few weeks ago and I was all excited because Kansas allows raw milk sales. Come to find out there are only a few places that sell it and none of them were anywhere NEAR where I was.

For now I just have to get non-homogenized non-ultra-pasteurized milk.

::: heavy sigh :::​
I bought some raw milk last week - very rich to drink! Chickened out on drinking all of it, though - but made the most amazing bread pudding I ever had from raw Jersey milk and fresh, free range chicken eggs!
This summer, when the grass is growing fast, I plan on doing the Mayo clinics Raw Milk Diet.
The Mayo clinic actually had its beginning as the clinic that literally cured many diseases, by putting the patients on a diet of only raw full fat milk.
It is so very nourishing, and it gives the entire body rest for full cure.
My adrenal fatigue is very slowly getting better, but I would love to be fully healed by the end of the summer.
If you are curious about this, here is a good link.
She did the milk diet for 4 weeks, and blogged about it.
Matt Stone, from also strongly encourages this way of healing as well.

My other goal, is also to finish getting rid of my cellulite. It is improved by well over 50% already, since I started eating traditional foods, and I cannot wait for it all to be gone
The only dairy that I trust to get raw milk from around here is pricey...$10/gallon. Ouch.

So...we don't have enough room for our own milk cow. However, I have 2 Nubian doelings reserved to pick up later this summer. It won't be too much longer before we'll have our own raw milk.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

WE have a milk cow!!! She had a calf a few weeks ago, but she got sick last week and she can't get up and every day she gets weaker and weaker. It's so sad! But man her milk was good!!!!!!!!

she has milk fever, call a vet​
Just got back from the farm with 3 quarts of great milk! There was plenty more, but I only brought three jars with me. Hurray for good milk!

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