Do you feed your chickens meat....(like chicken)?

I am so glad that Im not the only one who sees Velociraptors when they watch their birds
OMG I have 10 little 1 1/2 wk old barred rocks that I have been calling the tiny velociraptors (all roos and they are leaving soon to a new home as they are kinda creeping me out!) - I swear if you turn your back on them they would eat you.

deb g
My BF was fileting a catfish the other day and threw the innards; those hens scarfed them hens/roosters eat eveyrthing but citrus and cooked spinach!
My hens love fish, raw/cooked they don't care! I describe chickens as mini dinosaurs only because I can't remember the velociraptor (or how ever you spell it!) name. See, I still can't! I am forever hurting myself, I am an accident waiting to happen. My legs are always cut and bruised. When i go in the chicken area with boo-boos on my legs, they dive at me trying to pick at my legs!
Ms.FuzzyButts :

I feed mine chicken and turkey all the time and they love it... Nothing is funnier (and twisted) to me than seeing a chicken run a wide open sprint across the yard with a chicken leg in it's mouth.....

I stumbled upon this thread and thought I would share something I read:) As a small-time poultry producer, I have been looking at marketing, being a vendor and all that is required and to sell to Whole Foods I think you have to follow their 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Standards Program, and part of the Standards is no meat:
"5.4 Additives or Ingredients in Feed or Water
5.4.1 (All Steps)
Mammalian or avian by-products, with the exception of supplemental dairy-based probiotics, are

I'm not sure if this is to ease the public's mind from the mad cow thing? But I try and educate as much as I can and stress that chickens are not herbivores and an "all vegetarian" diet is, in fact, not that good for them. Ah misinformation!
I'm glad I'm not apart of there "Global Animal Partnership", I sell eggs and I will have nothing to do with the "Global Animal Partnership" and there nonsense.

There is nothing wrong with them eating some meat (chicken, turkey, beef or goat), all of our left overs are always end up in chicken run. I am from Pakistan so sometime food is spicy (when I cook) and they love chicken curry, chicken vandaloo, keema curry etc etc. Few days ago I had to slaughter couple of my roosters and when I made pilaf, some of that also became part of my chickens feed for the day.
We have a restaurant and feed scraps to the chickens and pigs both. Every morning we boil about 5 Gallons of swill and take it down, pigs, chickens, guineas, and dogs all chow down together. Then just after lunch we take down fresh leftovers and feed again. We don't filter anything so they all get beef, pork, chicken, eggs, seafood, fish, and vegetable all mixed in together.

It's always a mad scramble.
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bazi77, those sound like real yummy leftovers!

Yes my birds get meat. Fish guts, guts and scraps from deer and squirrels, whatever they steal from the cat. The first time I saw one of my chickens down a whole mouse on the run (everyone else wanted some) I was in awe. Large snakes with specially adapted jaws take MINUTES to do this!!

NO chickens are not vegetarians. They are also willing cannibals. That is why we all have to separate injured birds,...

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