Do you have a dog that hangs out with your chickens?


THAT is a beautiful dog and was worth the wait!

Okay. To get the actual picture to show here, paste in the url to the image. That's the bit that starts with "http://" and ends with ".jpg" above. Now, highlight that url. I don't know how you do that on a blackberry, but basically you want to select the whole thing. With a mouse you would click and hold at the beginning of the line and release the click at the end of the line, and the background and type would change color to show you that you had selected it.

Now, with it selected, click the "Img" button above the input box for your post. It's above the smileys up there, in the middle. When you click it, that will surround your link with "{img}" and "{/img}", except the curly brackets that I typed there will be opening and closing box brackets like [ ].

Now, preview ... and voila! You should have a picture! Click submit and pat yourself on the back!


This is Spike(He was stolen from us
) He was excellent with my chickens. He would herd them in and out of the coop at the appropriate times. He would dust bath with them and if I went inside he would get up in my chair and watch over them. I sure miss him. He is a miniature doberman pincher. He was the best dog. I bred him to my best friend Ginger (Shes a chiweiner so her puppies are dubed ChiPins.)
This is what we got



2 look like him and 2 look like her

The one Im keeping his name is Cooper(By the way they are all boys
All four of them
Oh well, guess it won't work because I'm on this stupid blackberry: guess I'll have to break down and buy a new desktop. (Hopefully insurance pays for lightning strikes:). Thank you soo much~MELLY~ (laniered) for being so patient and kind. I hope you keep in touch.I'm gonna miss your 'pm's'every morning.although I'm sure you won't miss all my questions;)
I have this amazing german shepherd who keeps an eye on the chickens all the time... he even seperates the roosters when he sees them fighting... I LOVE him

I would put a photo of him but I dont know how to
I totaly agree. I have a 2 year old german short hair who does hunt, and he is wonderful with my girls. He takes such good care of them my rooster slacks off. Whenever I bring treats out for the girls he is right there waiting paitently for his turn and the chickens will jump on his back to try and steal the treats from my hand, and if i drop a treat for the dog the chickens run right under his nose and steal it from him, he looks sad but doesnt get mad just lets them have it. He is very high stung and when he gets to running around like a maniac he will un right through a group of chickens and they just squack and scatter, they are not afraid of him at all just get a little annoyed and give him the stink eye.

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