Do you have a family member that gets on your nerve?

Well, by serving as each other's therapists, just think of all the money we'll save!
Not to mention, it's way more fun.
My MIL is a pill from you know where, SHe has only one child... Her beloved son!She has been trying to break us up for 13 years. She gets jealous whenever we are affectionate toward each other and this could be as simple as just a hug. She has told me how much she hates me amongst other things. I'm not the ideal woman for her son because im not rich enough to support him she says. She is like a grade school bully towards me but i don't let it get to me, i think it peeves her off when i ignore her ignorant comments and don't give her the reaction she wants from me. Sometimes i just wanna smack her and say GROW THE HECK UP!!!! My sister is also a pill along with my mother. When it comes to family gatherings i hide out at home. I am fortunate to have 2 other wonderful sisters whom i love dearly and would do anything for.
Sometimes the only thing that works with some people is to have a Jerry Springer moment on them.. That is if you can't avoid them, or afford to have em bumped off.
btw the bumping off part is just a joke, the jerry springer part is not---Wayne
Sigh. I have a great family in general and happy to see them most of the time.
I have one sister in law and one brother in law who I guess think they are better than everyone else. I can never do anything right according to them. Everyone else thinks I am doing a good job raising my daughter. Not them.
When I was raising five small children(BY MYSELF) I started with an apt., then a trailer, then a house. I did my best to give my kids a home. To this day my brother in law calls me behind my back, "trailer trash" because of my time in the trailer court. (18 months) I hate that term, its degrading to anybody.
My youngest daughter is a good kid for the largest part, never been in trouble, not a lot of drama.
My sister in law has a problem with the way she dresses. The thing is, she has her OWN style and when I look at other children it honestly isnt over the top,much less so than most. She gets decent grades. She doesnt follow the crowd. But apparently I am doing it ALL wrong.

Even though I know they are being snobby and opinionated, it still hurts me very much. I am just ME and we are family! So I understand what you are talking about when you ask if any family members get on our nerves...
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MagsC wrote:
Even though I know they are being snobby and opinionated, it still hurts me very much.

Oh, it sounds like you are doing a fine job.
, my couisin dosen't get me down, just hurts my ears mostly you know nerve rackin'. Bless your heart girl, :aww I love ya if that makes a difference. Them o snootie snooties
I think trailer trash is more the way a person lives than literally living in a trailer. Some people are not gonna be happy not matter what you do. If you managed to keep your children sheltered, fed , clothed and loved you have accomplished a great deal! And also if you strive and strive and strive and you do manage to get perfect--Somebody is drive gonna drive stakes through your hands and feet and hang you on a cross. ----

As far as getting out of people talking about you or making fun of you or putting you down, you can't--- People laughed at Jesus on the cross and ridiculed him and spit on him.. If he couldn't get out of it , neither can we.. But we can learn to have a tough skin but still have a soft heart-- (easier said than done) . Don't let it get you down -- If you know you are trying to live right and doing the best you can--Somebody much more influential and important than your friends and relatives KNOWS it and is even understanding when you make a mistake.
I smoke , I drink and I dip snuff but SOMEBODY still loves me --

Just kidding about the drinking and snuff--working on the smoking---

When someone uses the ugly term "trailer trash" it says something more negative about the biased attitude of the speaker than of the target. It is just another form of ignorance and intolerance. Where a person lives does not make them high or low quality, whether it's in a hut or a mansion. That comes from within a person.
So true ChickaD---Tell it sister!! Some of the finest people I have ever known have been broke living in old houses, driving old cars and wearing old clothes. And some of the most vile snakes I have ever known APPEARED to be law biding well to do Christian types. Also that's like people's kids-- Some of the greatest people I know came from sorry low down parents and some of the most low down people I know have came from great parents .. In the end it's really YOU who determines what kind of person you become - Do your best - try to live by your conscience and always try to consider others--That's about all you can do----Wayne

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