Do you have a way to "call" your flock to you?

OK so, there is a simple way of explaining it, and a harder way. I'm gonna go with the hard onešŸ˜Œ So you need to know some back story first. .The Greek word for chicken is kota. If you make fast paced and shorten it to kot, with the right pronunciation and deapth of your voice it can sound like a rooster calling his hens over. I've been doing that for the past 9 years or so and it works wonderfully, even with roos, and yes I know it's kind of silly, but what works doesn't need fixing! So basically I imitate the roosters call is the short and sweet version of what I do:lau
I don't think it's silly. I think it's sweet. And hey - it works, right?
I don't even bother calling my chickens because they already follow me around like a bunch of stalkers. Anytime I'm outside and look up from what I'm doing there is always a chicken or two right there watching. Yesterday I thought I had all of the chickens out of the barn then when I started to walk out one of my hens flew down from the rafters and landed on my shoulder. I screamed, my hen squawked and I'm pretty sure my soul left my body for a few seconds.
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