Do you kiss your chickens?

Lol, I try not too when my friends are over.
I know my best friend, Becky has caught me in the act.
All the time! I love my babies to absolute death!
I kiss and cuddle and snuggle and carry them. Hell, if it's cold the lucky one to be carried can sit inside my jacket as i potter around the garden!
Ha! I don't care who see's me either! They're my pets and i adore them and i am their mummy and i will love them all i want!
After all, i clean up their poop, and i feed them and care for them, so why can't i love and cuddle them?!
Their clean! And besides, they don't dislike it at all!
They're so soft to cuddle into!
I think I might have right after we got them. Sorry to say I haven't gone out in the 10 degree weather to see them in a while.
I let my brothers freeze, while I'm warm inside on the BYC.
most of mine-favs, cochins and my polish while they are calm and cuddly when i pick them up. i don't get near their beaks since i know to be careful not to get pecked or scratched by claws.
Are you kidding? I kiss mine right on the beak... I love them so much. My favorite is a Showgirl who is named "My Chicken." I have over 300 poultry and she is my absolute favorite! I want to put a picture on but I can't figure it out! I do have a website and you can look there on my news page. I love her.
Heck yeah! On the neck and head and cheeks, not on the beak (they don't care for that). My wheaten EE Joni is in my lap right now, and if I could snorgle her and type all at the same time that's what I'd be doing.

Snorgle break, BRB...

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