Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

I am SO LOL! I just sold one of my 7 AustralOrp girls to a fellow BYCer, and I had named that hen Matilda (for Waltzing Matilda)! is that spooky or what? Or, let's just say great minds think alike! I'm proud to be in the company of MissJayne!

proud to have you. anyone that thinks pie is important is good in my book!
People think I am crazy but I name all of mine! I have:
George & Gracie-Splash Silkies
Elvis & Priscilla-White Silkies
Amos & Andy-Black Frizzles
Sonny & Cher-Golden Phoenix
Suze & Sugar-White Silkies
Brad Pitt,Thelma & Louise-Blue Wheaton OE
I could go on & on! Everyone just laughs when I pick them up and call them by name!! They don't know how I can tell them apart, but when you raise them since babes, you just know!!
She gets called Wooly for short. lol I was flytying and the name of the fly is called a woolybooger. (Black fuzzy tie) She looked just like a woolybooger as a chick so the name stuck.
I name them.

Most of the EE's look slightly different (except for the two sets of twins) so it was pretty easy.

Sassy- she has a LOT to say and is a shoulder rider
Midget- very tiny
Ashleigh- soft gray feathers and Valley Girl 'tude
Coburn- snotty, gotta-be-a-rooster jerk (John Wayne movie)
Owl- looked like one as a chick, prettiest bird but dumbest
Blondie- color
Priscilla- Mistress of the Desert (film)
Red- bright red head
Ghost- silver gray feathers
Chitty- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (crashes into stuff)
Pretty Girl- cute but does that feathered snake neck thing
Buffy- The vampire slayer
and the twins.

No way am I going to be able to name the BSL's, except by 'tude as they pretty much look alike.

As for the penguins (Austrolorps), at 2 weeks they're not all that distinguishable except for one that sadly looks like a little skinhead, and one that is sort of obnoxious but very comes up and pecks my hand when I change the waters.
I have two--a Rhode Island Red chick I named Rhoda, and a Buff Orphington chick I named Buffy. Fits, huh? I thought so. lol. Their names just fit their personalities too. They come running when I go outside and start calling "Buffy, Rhoda." It's so cute.
Some of my birds are named but I use leg bands to tell them apart as I currently have just one breed.
I name mine on how that act or how thay look.

Rolly Polly- , he looks like he wabbles when he runs.

Furius,- She is furuis she stands up to all the big roosters and she is a minorca bantam, And she dont care how far or high she has to fly she does it.

Cheescake,- well for some reason he just remind me of a cheesyhead, hes a polish

Physco, - well he atacks any one that comes around me.

Bling Bling, - he looks like a jewel and he lives my rings

Tyson, - he looks like a bird that will bight someones ear off

Red Stud, - he acts like a stud, really he struts, and he red

Midnight,- hes a golden polish, so the colors just reminds us off a night

Whitey,- just becouse he more on the white side acually grey.

I had one names Tweety, becouse when he was abay he look like a Tweety bird

Snowball,- well she is a white showgirl so her head looks like asnowball

And i had one named Blizzard, R.I.P ,-he was also a white showgirl

Checo,- well thay just remind us off little mexcan birds, they are oegb
At first I called them names just to keep them apart:
Red - NHR
Juicy Poops - EE who did a lot
White wing - BR with whitish wing tips
Black wing - BR with blackish wing tips

Around 15 weeks they got real names based on looks / personality.

Red became Sarah (Palin) due to similar coloring. (and I won't get political about additional reasons)
Juicy Poops became Liona due to her EE mane
White wing became Liz due to her having a big wide butt like an Elizabethan gown.
Black wing became Sam because her sex had been a little unclear, and she still acts a little butch. And I like the name Sam for a girl.

Switching names was hard to remember for about 4-6 weeks.
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