Do You Own A Gun ?

In Florida if like my state it is illegal to carry in a bar so the people that obeyed the law were killed because they could not defend their self. The law surely did not stop the attacker bringing in a gun. I don't get where people think laws will stop criminals. It only stops the good guys

And I believe it hypocritical for the administration to say that there should be gun laws for all cause of a few but not to judge a group of people just cause of the actions of a few.
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I only said that as an example. The point being that there never seems to be anyone with a gun who is able to take down the attacker in time.
I only said that as an example. The point being that there never seems to be anyone with a gun who is able to take down the attacker in time.

Exactly cause they choose soft targets i.e.: churches, schools, bars clubs all where firearms are prohibited.
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Okay I can see both sides, I am here to discuss it and learn more about it after all.
I was in the process of writing a reply to you when our power went out - sorry about that. It's 117F here in Maricopa County at the moment so it's not a good time for a blackout. This is precisely one of those time I'm glad I'm armed. Pretty much everyone is here in my neck of the woods and as a result there's no looting, etc. during these times. That's never the case where I originally came from in Baltimore, MD though. What I started to say before the power went out was one of the reasons a person armed with a firearm didn't stop the rampage was because it was a "gun-free" zone if I'm not mistaken. If people were allowed to carry concealed there I doubt very seriously it would have been as bad as it was. I heard someone else say somewhere that you never hear of shooting's like that occurring in biker bars or similar venues that are not gun-free zones. It seems like most of the high profile shootings we had recently all occurred in supposedly safe zones such as this.

Anyway Lsky I'm glad we had a good conversation about it and like I said, I'm always glad to hear another perspective in case there's something I overlooked. Appreciate you chiming in.
Perhaps the lack of consistency is the issue? Banning guns in certain places, clubs, churches etc.. But allowing them to be carried just outside these areas. Meaning that an armed attacker can run into them knowing no one will be able to defend themselves. I hope that makes sense, I'm very tired, it's half four In the morning..
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I just wanted to share my opinion, I know there's a huge difference in culture. I know most people who own guns don't have any intentions of harming anyone, but it just seems like every day I hear about another shooting.
Millions of people own guns that will never harm anyone, many will never harm anything cause they don't even hunt, have them for different purposes. You hear about a lot of shootings here because they have a agenda, and that is making guns and gun violence sound as bad as they can, there is a certain segment of our population that would like to see guns banned all together, every one of them. Some of those people, I'm getting a little off subject here I admit, are vegans or at least anti-hunters who think you should get your meat from the store where no animals were harmed, (don't doubt me, there is some that believe this, not many but enough to raise a ruckus) they don't even like subsistence farmers who say like me mainly raise chickens to eat (the eggs are just a awesome bonus! : )
We have a very diverse country, split about 50/50 on most subjects, that pretty much means the ones getting the most air time, or holler the most seem like the speak for the majority, even think they are the majority if it's 51/49, "the majority of the country believes this! yeah but almost half don't....causes a lot of problems.

Back to the comment of yours; "but it seems like every day I hear about another shooting"...I'd like to say it's exaggerated, but you are not hearing much of anything, way more than publicized.
Chicago Illinois, third most populated city in the US, and the most strict gun laws in the US, they have shootings almost daily, but they have been in control/run by a certain political party that does not want this publicized, thay are the anti-gunners, that even with super strict gun laws their crime rate is disgusting IMHO, but nobody talks about it...
Just in case this link doesn't work for you either, Jan 1 2015-Dec 31 2015- 2,988
Jan 1 2016-June 19 2016- 1,742.

They also call this the worst mass shooting (Orlando) in US history...not factually or historically correct, just what the media wants put out there. The truth is there has been many in our history, not even counting the Indians or the blacks/African Americans, their history here is unbelievably the past, many years ago.
Not just the main list, it's also broke down into separate links. The AR-15, or any other so called 'assault rifle' wasn't even invented yet on most of these.
Just in case it doesn't work for you, one massacre;
September 7-11, 1857, single shot muzzle loaders and Bowie knives, 120+ killed, Mountain Meadows massacre,
emigrants in a wagon train. Mormons intended to leave no witnesses.

I post this info, not to demonize guns, just to explain our history, and the want/need for guns to defend ourselves if necessary, I personally doubt I ever will have to, we live where everyone has guns but very little crime area, very rural, no worries, no fear.

One instance of a massacre that could've been different if guns were illegal is in Aurora Colorado, in 2012 one man killed 12 people and injured 70, with a so called 'assault weapon'.
He had in his apartment enough sophisticated bombs to have taken off the roof of the movie theater he killed twelve people in. Bombs are illegal.

A bomb in 1995 Oklahoma City destroyed one-third of a building, killed 168 people, and injured more than 680 others. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.
No gun involved....

I do appreciate you taking your time to write such a long reply. I'm not trying to force my opinions on anyone, I hope I didn't come across that way. In the right hands just about anything can be used as a weapon, the problem is that guns kill so easily. Look at the most recent mass shooting in Florida, none of those people had a chance to run or defend themselves. I just think there's too many guns in circulation, and that it's far too easy to get your hands on one. Growing up where I have, the idea of people walking around every day with guns on them makes me feel very uneasy. It's probably one of the biggest cultural differences between your country and mine. But I found your reply very interesting, I'm a pretty open minded person and am willing to listen to both sides of an argument.
"I'm not trying to force my opinions on anyone" me neither, just my opinion of what I live or have growed up on
all good.
Orlando Florida...Just my humble opinion, we wern't there, but even without a gun to defend ourselves, someone should have been able to take him out, one guy, many chairs, bar stools, heck the crowd pelt him with liquor bottles, chair to the back would have ended it pretty quickly IMHO. Took three hrs, he even spent some time on Facebook, someone could have ended this with far less casualties IMHO...

"The idea of people walking around every day with guns on them make me feel very uneasy"
Me too! In certain situations. I really don't think I'd like to be in a situation in the US where there is riots going on, protests, where everybody has guns....At home though, everyone carrying a gun to the local gun club to sight them in, have some fun shooting, going hunting, different story.
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Yeah I know, I try to ignore the news now, it's very selective. They seem to carefully pick and choose which stories to report on.. Shouldn't all states have the same laws when it comes to guns? I mean, banning guns in one area and making them legal in another just makes the unarmed area more vulnerable. (By the way I am actually a vegan myself :lol: But trust me I know exactly what happens on factory farms.. Kinda the reason I don't eat meat)
Yeah I know, I try to ignore the news now, it's very selective. They seem to carefully pick and choose which stories to report on.. Shouldn't all states have the same laws when it comes to guns? I mean, banning guns in one area and making them legal in another just makes the unarmed area more vulnerable. (By the way I am actually a vegan myself
But trust me I know exactly what happens on factory farms.. Kinda the reason I don't eat meat)

Factory farms are why I raise chickens and have a huge garden, I might not be able to do it all, but we do what we can. I love veggies anyway
, nothing better than a home grown tomato or cucumber sandwich!!! Love the meat also. I have no problem with vegans, like I said off topic, just making a generalization.

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