Do You Own A Gun ?

Yeah I know it's off topic. I still don't agree with eating meat but at least you're killing your own animals and not supporting that disgusting industry. Fresh tomatoes mmm I can almost smell them :p
Just my two cents worth. People in church are sitting ducks. The doors are left unlocked during services. There is money and jewelry to be taken. I think that someone with a gun needs to be stationed in the back and someone up front facing the rear door. In one church I know a pastor who keeps a gun under the podium. He has a clear view of the main rear door. People may think this is overacting. Not me, this day and time there is so much evil we have to protect ourselves. Every day we read of shootings in our town and our state. It is not the common people who are doing this but thugs and hoodlums. And they can get guns any where and at anytime. My son in law is a state trooper and he carries a gun at all times, on or off duty as I think all law enforcement people should do. These are bad times that we are living in and we have to use whatever means we have to protect our families and ourselves. I don't understand this long discussion. What is the man from England? trying to say or get across. That we are bad?
Who are you talking about? Firstly I'm not a man and secondly I'm not from England. Did you read all of my posts? I was simply here to share my opinions on the topic and to have a discussion and hopefully learn something. Did I ever imply that you were bad people?
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In addition there was a shooting up at a church, I can't remember exactly where but they are blaming that one on the Confederate flag. Now some towns in the south are trying to destroy or move all the monuments having to do with the Confederates. I wouldn't be surprised if they blew up Stone Mountain which has carvings of Confederate generals. We who have ancestors who fought in the war are very offended. But we are offended about the wrong things. America is going down just like Rome did. And there is no one to save us. Not Trump, not Hillary and certainly not Obama. There is no one but God alone and he is probably so disgusted with us he will let it happen..
I don't currently own a gun, but I always wanted to learn how to shoot one. My brother moved to Texas and when I went to visit him, he took me shooting. I thought I would enjoy it a lot more than I did, but honestly, I found the power of a gun a bit intimidating. My brother was an excellent teacher, but you don't really realize the damage a gun can do until you shoot one.

My personal feeling is that I do not feel I would have the training necessary to operate a gun in a time of crisis. Therefore, I do not know that I would ever carry one for self defense. I may consider it for hunting or defense against animals (My life's dream is to move to Arizona). I would need significantly more training to feel comfortable wearing a gun for self defense in public areas though. I certainly don't believe guns should be allowed in bars or anywhere that alcohol is served. I've seen too many bad things when alcohol and emotions get involved. I'm not against owning guns, but I do think we need better mental health care in this country, and potentially better mental screening before firearms can be purchased.

Growing up, my father was a cop. He often wore a concealed gun in his boot when he was off duty. As kids, my brother and I thought this was awesome and we used to ask him what he would do if there was a "bad guy" in a store when we went out. He said his first and only priority would be to protect his family, and he would not draw his gun unless it was absolutely necessary. The words that stuck in my head were "having a gun makes you a target". He would also tell us that being a cop makes you a target, even if you are off duty. He was not about to risk his life when he was with his family if it meant putting his family at risk. As a kid, I didn't understand this, but now I realize the truth of those words. I don't think I would risk my life for strangers at the expense of my family either. There are plenty of people out there with a different opinion on the matter, and sometimes I'm not sure if I think them brave or reckless.
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Just my two cents worth. People in church are sitting ducks. The doors are left unlocked during services. There is money and jewelry to be taken. I think that someone with a gun needs to be stationed in the back and someone up front facing the rear door. In one church I know a pastor who keeps a gun under the podium. He has a clear view of the main rear door. People may think this is overacting. Not me, this day and time there is so much evil we have to protect ourselves. Every day we read of shootings in our town and our state. It is not the common people who are doing this but thugs and hoodlums. And they can get guns any where and at anytime. My son in law is a state trooper and he carries a gun at all times, on or off duty as I think all law enforcement people should do. These are bad times that we are living in and we have to use whatever means we have to protect our families and ourselves. I don't understand this long discussion. What is the man from England? trying to say or get across. That we are bad?
Spurrer - Lsky isn't saying we're all bad. She's just giving her point of view on the issue which I'm glad to hear, and she's been very open to hearing our point of view which is refreshing. The anti-gun crowd on our side of the Atlantic rarely if ever gives any consideration for the pro-gun sides concerns. If they were as considerate and well mannered as Lsky there probably wouldn't be much of an issue at all. Lsky and I sound like we live different lives in a lot of ways, me being a meat eater, hunter, and shooter, but we probably have a lot more in common than what it appears. We both love our poultry obviously, love our fresh vegetables, are concerned about ours and our families safety, and probably have a gazillion other things in common that we don't even know. In fact we probably have more in common than we have differences. If I were a betting man I'd lay money on the anti-gun crowd here in this country probably having a lot of common interests with me as well, but it's a shame they they seem more interested in stirring the pot than having a dialogue. It seems a lot of people are like that today for some reason.

Regarding your comment about Rome, I've been saying that for years and I totally agree with you. Having been to countries with people less fortunate than us, I've always felt the current civilized world is somewhat fragile and it wouldn't take much to plunge everything into the dark ages. So when I hear stuff like we need to lead from behind, and be like the international community I cringe. There's a good reason why this country and other free modernized countries have done so well, and it's not because we followed the communist countries lead. It seems so obvious I don't understand how people today can be so confused. But heck, I guess there's a lot of things I'll never understand. I'm just very thankful that God made me who I am, where I am, and when I am. If he changed any of those variables I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed the short time I've had here on earth.
I agree with your views regarding armed christians at church. There are estimated 100,000 christians murdered each year in the middle east. Google it up. Merely rounded up and slaughtered, unless you are a female, then maybe you'll be raped and sold as a sex slave. I would not be uncomfortable with a sergeant at arms at my church. Every day the violence in the M.E. gets closer to home. It's crazy to expect LEO's to be everywhere. A further tragedy from Orlando was 300 patrons and none armed or willing to fight back. Fla allows CWPs but some establishments don't allow a customer to "pack iron". These places should provide plain clothed armed security, wait- the Orlando shooter was a security guard, or armed guards outside at a security checkpoint like at the airport- they could be the first victims- or just prohibit assembly be it a bar, restaurant, church, political rally or sporting event, etc. Some folks feel anything is better than an armed citizen. BTW, don't need a gun, google up Bill Ferry, Tampa, 1983 and see what can be done with 25 cents worth of gas and a match. I'd rather be shot.
My daughter was in church last night. She sits near the back and when someone opens the door the glass doors at the entrance makes a noise. This was in the middle of the business meeting. A man walked in and sat down close to the front, he was a stranger with baggy pants. She carries a gun in her purse. Two men in the church turned and looked at her and nodded their heads to ask if she was ready if anything happened. One of them also went outside to his truck and got his gun and sat back down. Turns out he was just begging for money but who knows, he could have been planning to just take everyones money. It doesn't hurt to be prepared. And then the preacher puts him in his car and takes him to Wal-mart. I know God protects people sometimes and sometimes for some reason he doesn't. Can't just take it for granted that he will. The rain falls on the just and the unjust.

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