Do you put your plants outside?

Do you place your house plants outside during summer months?

  • Yes - they love it and thrive

  • No - never, they are happy where they are

  • Depends

  • Other (please explain)

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Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Hello!! I am a relatively new plant mom, I've been getting serious about this since about January and have a nice little collection now. They just brighten up a space!
I have a Bird of Paradise I bought from Home Depot 2-3 months ago, I just finished treating it for spider mites (my first time dealing with that and I am still keeping a close eye on it!) I keep seeing videos and posts about people putting their house plants outside, this plant in particular keeps coming up. So I am wondering what this community is doing with their plants?

Are you putting them outside when the weather gets nice enough or are you leaving them in their safe happy home?

Any advice or comments are appreciated!

Here is a pic of my BOP who is looking quite good now, minus a couple unhappy looking leaves on the bottom. It had a new leaf grow recently. Forgive the messy room it's in, we still have plenty to do to our new home and it's currently living in the "building material room". I put it in there for quarantine purposes but it ended up loving all the light it gets in here more than the other window I had it in!
We don't currently have any house plants because the cat eats them😒. When I did have them, they stayed inside. Not only did I want to avoid bringing more bugs into the house, I didn't want to deal with hardening them off every spring.
This was my deterrent as well. I mostly don't want to be inviting spiders inside 🕷️🤢
Spiders are generally easy to find and pick off. It is the soil gnats that are a major annoyance here. They are tiny and hard to get rid of.

The only plants I bring in/out now are cold-sensitive ones like figs that I over-winter in my garage when they are dormant.

If you have a sunroom/solarium, that might be a good alternative for your plants getting more light.
We don't currently have any house plants because the cat eats them😒. When I did have them, they stayed inside. Not only did I want to avoid bringing more bugs into the house, I didn't want to deal with hardening them off every spring.
Yes a few of my plants have several teeth marks from the cats. Fortunately we have some high windows they can’t get to so those plants have been relocated to that window sill. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Spiders are generally easy to find and pick off. It is the soil gnats that are a major annoyance here. They are tiny and hard to get rid of.

The only plants I bring in/out now are cold-sensitive ones like figs that I over-winter in my garage when they are dormant.

If you have a sunroom/solarium, that might be a good alternative for your plants getting more light.
‘Picking’ spiders off is easy for someone who does not have crippling-vomiting-stupid fear of them lol

I don’t have a sunroom but we have lots of big beautiful south facing windows where the plants currently live so they will just stay there!
We put some of our plants outside for the spring and summer but not all. My mom mostly puts all hers outside, but mine stay in my room. I actually found that when I put one of my plants outside it helped get rid of some gnats that were living in the soil.

I relate to the cat eating the plants guys 😆 that’s why I moved all my plants into my closed room. If I ever leave my door open I have to say goodbye to some of the plants that aren’t on a high shelf lol.

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